Found (Robb Stark x reader) Modern AU

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Robb was distraught. It wasn't like Grey Wind to run off like that and now Robb couldn't find him. He'd been searching for three days. Honestly, how hard is it to track down a giant dog? He was bigger than any wolf after all. Robb suspected he was the most closely related dog to the extinct dire wolf. He hadn't been at all easy to train, but Robb had managed. Until something caught Grey Wind's attention and he went running off.

Now, Robb was searching everywhere. He'd even gone so far as to start putting up posters. It seemed silly, but Grey Wind was family. Robb wasn't going to rest until Grey Wind was back home where he belonged. So, he put up posters and asked his friends and family to keep an eye out. Even Arya put a post up on her social media (Robb was a bit behind the times with technology sometimes). Somehow they knew Grey Wind would come home.

It was two days later, a grand total of five days that Grey Wind had gone missing, when Robb's phone rang. It didn't matter that Robb was sitting at his desk trying to get some work done. He dropped everything to answer the call. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Robb Stark?" Robb answered that it was.

"Oh good. My name is Y/F/N. I'm pretty sure I found your dog," you said and then chuckled before continuing, "Or rather, your wolf. This boy is massive." Robb's mood instantly picked up. "You found Grey Wind?!" He could practically hear your smile over the phone.

"I don't think there's any mistaking him. I'll send you a picture just to be certain and we can meet up. He's a beautiful dog, but he's eating me out of house and home at the moment. Plus, I think he'd much rather be back home with you." Robb agreed without any hesitation and hung up. A moment later, his phone pinged, indicating a text message.

Sure enough, the picture you sent was of Grey Wind. He didn't look any worse for wear. In fact, he looked relaxed and content in the picture. He was lying down with a child leaning against him and what looked to be a turtle on his back. After calling his father to let him know what was happening and that work would be a little late, Robb grabbed his coat and practically ran out the door.

As soon as he reached the appointed destination, Robb stopped and looked around. No sign of you yet. Or at least, no sign of Grey Wind. He had no idea what you looked like after all. Robb began shifting his weight as he waited. Would Grey Wind be okay? Had you been kind to him? He was so preoccupied that he didn't hear what was probably the thundering steps of a giant dog coming up behind him. It wasn't until Robb found himself face first on the ground to an enormous weight on his back that he came back to reality.

As soon as the weight was off his back, Robb rolled over. "Grey Wind!" he cried in relief, reaching up to wrap his arms around the giant of a dog. A chuckle brought his attention away from the beast for a moment. Robb got up and dusted off his trousers. "Are you Y/F/N?" You smiled and offered your hand. "That would be me. I'm glad we found you. And sorry about the turtle and my sibling's kid. It was the only way Grey Wind would sit still long enough for me to take the picture."

"How'd you find him?" You proceeded to tell him that you had been out with your niece/nephew that day getting them their pet turtle when Grey Wind just suddenly appeared, nearly knocking you both over. Apparently, he'd caught the scent of one of you and followed it.

"We looked for you for a while, but I had to get the kid back or my sibling would have thrown a fit. Then one of my friends sent me the link to the post about Grey Wind on social media." Grey Wind rolled impatiently in the grass as Robb thanked you. "How can I repay you?'

"Not necessary. I love to see a man reunited with his best friend." You called the dog's name and he was instantly up and by your feet. You reached down and gave him a few pets, encouraging him to be good and not run off again. Then, you bid Robb goodbye and turned to leave.

As you walked away, Grey Wind began whining and trying to run after you. This time, Robb grabbed his collar and used every ounce of strength he had to hold the dog back. Grey Wind stopped, but continued to whine. He looked between Robb and your retreating form with a gaze that nearly broke Robb's heart.

"You really like them, huh?" Robb asked and Grey Wind wagged his tail a bit. Robb sighed and tried to convince the dog to move in the opposite direction. He wouldn't budge. After a moment, Robb huffed in frustration. "Fine. What do you want me to do?" Robb was pulled toward you, nearly colliding with your back when you stopped as you heard Grey Wind's steps.

"Well, hello again. You know, I didn't think I'd see you again so soon," you joked with a wink. Robb cleared his throat, "Yes, well, Grey Wind had other ideas." You laughed and shook your head. "Of course he did. I really do have to go though." You started walking away again, and Grey Wind began to whine.

"This is a problem," you stated, hearing the whine from the animal. Robb nodded in agreement. "Look, I come to this park every day with him. Maybe we could, I don't know, met up once a week? For Grey Wind's sake." You smirked a little as his face turned red. "Sure. For his sake. Then, maybe one night, we could have dinner...for Grey Wind's sake," you said.

Robb flushed even more. "You're very bold." You shrugged a little. "I know what I like and any man that cares about his dog the way you seem to is someone I could definitely like." Robb cleared his throat. It had been a while since he'd met someone so forward. "Dinner sounds great. I'll, uh, text you?" You nodded before leaning down to kiss Grey Wind on the nose. You whispered something that sounded like a "thank you" to him before turning and walking away, leaving Robb wondering what he'd just gotten himself into.

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