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He Xianyu's bold attempt in exchange for You Jing's blush and the punch on the door.

Although blushing sounds a very good signal, but

Yu Rubing said silently, "Sister, did you almost die?"

You Jing's punch was terribly shocking. She scared her next door and ran out to investigate the situation.

She saw You Jing walking hurriedly out of He Xianyu's room, and when she walked to the door of He Xianyu's house, she saw He Xianyu standing at the door.

He Xianyu looked dazed, as if the punch had just hit her pretty face.

He Xianyu raised his hand and waved the air in front of his face, saying: "It's not important, what matters is that Xiao Jing blushes!"

"You are right, I should try it, in case!"

She tried the bold step of going out. Although she also got a death punch from You Jing, she also got a blushing swim quiet!

This does not explain, in fact, You Jing also eat her set!

He Xianyu touched his chin, trembling with excitement, but still had a very calm look on his face, and began a calm analysis.

He Xianyu: "She blushes at me, it means that her heart is irresistible to me, which means that we may have a chance?" A flash, like a star in the sky.

Yu Rubing said, yes.

You Jing worried that she would want to kill He Xianyu because she was standing in the perspective of the third person, and felt that He Xianyu was too pungent.

And when she became a party, her face was extremely red. Two people who have known each other for so many years and have known each other for a long time will blush because of such a thing ... does it sound like there is a drama? ? ?

But Yu Jing's reaction is too great!

Such a reaction will inevitably embarrass the atmosphere of the two, or, You Jing thinks that the two will be embarrassed-she doesn't know that He Xianyu likes herself.

Yu Rubing saw the situation clearly and said: "It is imperative that you solve this matter with her first. You Jing looks very thin-skinned."

Just like her Qiuqiu, except that Qiuqiu's thin-skinned face won't throw a punch of death like this ...

You Jing, a lovely and terrifying loli agent.

He Xianyu regained his mind and punched his heart: "You are saying that her face is not as thick as mine. It is very likely that she will feel embarrassed because of this."

He Xianyu is very common in Yujing.

In this way, it will appear that You Jing's blush and death punch have overreacted ...

Yu Rubing advised her: "So, you take the ointment and take care of her hand first. If you have anything to do, sit down and solve it."

He Xianyu said yes, then turned over the ointment eagerly. When he reached the entrance, he took a deep breath and changed his expression to make himself look as calm as possible.

She is the Protagonist  ✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora