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From the description of 008, Yu Rubing can easily find out how good a generation is.

She can make such a huge system, can make 008 "friends" like them, can turn all her whim into reality ... and she has done it all by herself.

No matter from which angle you look at a generation, it is not difficult for people to admit that she is a genius.

She is the golden finger in it, she is the protagonist who has attracted much attention, and the sheer light of her body is always dazzling.

The goddess, the second generation, is much worse than her.

In other words, most of them are far away from her, such as the difference between the slim universe and a dust.

Yu Rubing admits this gap and admires the generation's ability and knowledge, but he will never have negative feelings such as jealousy and resentment against the generation.

One is because the art industry has specialization, and she and the generation have their own good things, and there is no need to force comparison; second, because the excellence of others is the ability of others, and it should not be the reason for the appearance of ugliness.

Xian, you should not suffer unjustified jealousy, especially jealousy that will lead to bad results.

She can guarantee that she can do it, but there is no guarantee that other people, too, especially the second generation.

008 said that the second generation was picked up by a generation from a certain world. When she was picked up, she was dirty and compared with the clean and clean operators and the environment inside the system, it became more and more abrupt. .

008 remember the eyes of the second generation when I first saw the second generation.

The first generation was surrounded by operators. She told everyone to take good care of the second generation in the future, treat her as a sister, and treat her as good as she is.

The operators said yes, 008 accidentally glanced at the second generation.

His thin and thin body leaned against the cold wall, his hair messed up like a henhouse, and his eyes hidden under the dirty hair were looking at a generation.


Look at the generation tightly without blinking.

There is a very strong emotion in that eye-longing and longing.

008 didn't take this look to heart.

But Yu Rubing felt it was not simple.

Was the second generation eager to get a generation at that time, or eager to become such a generation?

The second generation's life experience is nowhere to be found, but it is not difficult to see from the dress she was taken back to the system. Her past was not pleasant, at least even basic food and clothing.

Therefore, if she will respond to everything, a generation that is eager to respond has a desire, Yu Rubing feels not surprising.

People who stand in the trough can't help but raise their heads and look up, not to mention that the light on the generation is so dazzling.

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