Part 60

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The figure of Carl slowly disappeared as the door slammed in my face.

I was alone.
In the dark.

I could hear the distant growls of walkers surrounding me.
I didn't have Della to protect me. Without her, I don't know if I could ever survive. I'll just have to try. Only using what I have.

I felt my eyes slowly flicker open as the crust stuck to the corners.

"Paige! Are you awake?" I heard someone say, running to my side. The soft hand rubbed the side of my face. I looked up to see long brown hair sticking to a sweaty face. His blue eyes passionately looking into mine. "Hi, Carl..." I whispered, giving him a weak smile.

He hugged me tightly. It hurt, I was sore. But, I couldn't stop him. "C-carl..." I whispered as he slowly let go of me.

"Yes? Yes? What is it?" He asked, caringly.

"You don't care about me, anymore..."

"Yes, I do! I love you! I told you I would never leave you!"

I took a deep breath in and sighed. "Yeah, you told me that all right..."

"Oh...I-I'm sorry...I promise I-"

"Carl! I'm done with all your promises which are just lies..." I raised my voice at him, it hurt my dry throat.

He broke down into sobs. "I-I'm s-so s-sorry..."

I pursed my cracked, dry lips. "I know you's sad that I know you are always going to say that..."

He nodded his head, slightly. It resting in his hands.

"Please...f-forgive me..."

"How am I supposed to forgive you?" I gestured towards my face,"I look like this because YOU WERENT THERE!"

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