Part 26

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I looked up to see the group hovered over me, worry on their faces. "W-what happened?..." Rick glanced down at him and said,"You said Paige had killed Tris, then said the JRC did it, eye, needle, poison. And passed out." I nodded in confusion." I was talking gibberish...I'm sorry, Paige...I-I killed Tris..." A tear rolled down her face. She sniffled and smiled. "I know...I know..."

She grabbed my hand and yanked me off the ground. I dusted the dirt off my back and held her close. "I'm so, so sorry..." I whispered in her ear. I could feel the crease by her mouth lift as she smiled. "It's okay...I'm sorry I got so upset..." She replied. I let go of her and she wiped away all the tears from under her eyes. "Now, we gotta find out what I meant by JRC and all." Everyone nodded and Paige and I led on.


We followed our tracks, trying to find anything from before. Anything that would've gave me those memories. Who knows if the buildings were memories at all? They could have just been a figment of my imagination. "There." Carl's arm pointed at a figure over in the distance. We all headed to it, and saw Tris.

She wasn't like what we had left her at. The diseased splotches such like a crank's had formed on her skin. Strands of her hair spread around her. "What happened to her?" I knelt down and observed her better. A rotten stench filled my nostrils as I got closer to her. Her lips were cracked and blue, and her bulgy eyes were dry. "Always need to look closer!" Carl walked over to me, grabbed her shoulder with a frail crack, and she fell over face first.

"Nothing is different than the front." I muttered. Carl looked her up and down. "Always check..." He grabbed the brown haired bun on the top of her head and took out the hair bows, releasing her hair. As soon as he did, a large stitched up slit on the top of her head was revealed. Just down her hairline. "Ew..." I whispered. The slice was rotten and infected. Little pieces of string that had been sewn through her skin were detached. "That's just sick..." Carl muttered. I nodded in agreement. Then, a small life form squirmed through the opening of the wound. A maggot. Covered in blood and dirt. My eyes went wide as I fell back in fear. I turned my head as my food from days before came up, splattering on the ground beneath me.

"So, where are they now?" I asked. "Who knows? Probably, acting like any normal being then turning. Killing the group." He answered me with no problem. I took a deep breath and entered the room of first staged kids. "Why do you have them here?" I asked, but he put his finger on his mouth, telling me to be quiet. "They don't know they have Crankisphonia, so I'd rather not tell them." He whispered in my ear. "What?"

We turned around to see a small child standing behind us. He had a buzz cut, skinny, and a white hospital robe on. Probably around 7 years old. "Oh, nothing. Grown up talk." The man talking to me said. "No. You said something about us. What do we not know? You said we don't know something!" The child's voice raised. "I said NOTHING! SO GO BACK TO YOUR BED!" He screamed back. The kid twitched in anger. "I know you're hiding something, and you're gonna tell me!" The child sprinted at him, but in a flash, he was on the ground. I stumbled back in fear. The blood poured out of the hole in his head. The man beside me's gun raised.

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