Part 14

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The boy I had seen outside the window was being eaten by someone. It looked like a human, but at the same time they were different. This figure had bloody hands, their eyes were wide and bloodshot. It had sores and scars covering it's body. This person was thin, just skin and bone. Their face looked red and sunburnt. Their head had no hair on it, just little left over strands separating from each other. You could see the diseased splotches oozing green goo, coming out moss like. Their was raw, festering wounds covering different parts of his face, arms, and legs. You could see pink saliva dribbling down the corner of his lips, off his face.
Daryl came up behind me, mumbling,"That ain't human..." Michonne added,"Was human..." Glenn had fear in his voice,"What is it?" I was in shock. "T-that's a crank..." As soon as I said that, this "crank's" eyes darted from his dinner to us. My dad said in a whisper,"Everyone, hide!" As I ducked down, I heard footsteps heading up the stairs, and then the door handle wiggling. I held Paige's hand tightly, never wanting to let her go. I saw a glistening tear run down her face. She was about to scream, but I covered her mouth with my hand. "Let me get Paige back into her R-" I tried to whisper, but Daryl stopped me. "Shh...listen..." All there was, was silence."It's gone..." Everyone started to stand up, then something starts banging on the door loudly. The noise boomed throughout the cabin. The mystery person was screaming,"HELP US!!! ITS ALL GONNA CHANGE! YOURE ALL GONNA DIE!!!" I picked Paige up, terrified, and sprinted into her room.

I locked the door behind us and drew the blinds. The room was dim, almost pitch dark. We scooted to the back corner of her bed, I had her close up against me, rubbing her head. She sobbed silently as I glared at the door. "Please, don't come in..." I whispered under my breath. "Let me check..." I got up and quietly tiptoed to the door. I cracked the door and saw the creature searching the house. As I tried to be silent as a mouse and close the door, it heard me. My eyes went wide, my pupils dilated. This thing started charging at my door, then I saw my dad jump out of the shadows, and attack it from the side, knocking it off balance.

They fell to the floor as he gestured me to get out of the cabin. I picked up Paige,"We have to go, now!" I opened the window, and ran out. Deep into the woods.

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