Part 12

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I screamed,"CARL! WATCH OUT!" I shoved him out of the way of the Dead Carol crawling up behind him."Where's my gun?" He shouted. "I-I don't know," I held Carol back with my forearm, hoping she wouldn't bite me,"JUST DO SOMETHING!" I yelled as loud as possible. He hesitated, looking for a weapon, anywhere. He finally picked up a large stone, charging at her.

He rammed the rock into her left temple, blood squirting from the wound. She fell to the ground violently as he hovered over her, slamming the stone into her skull repeatedly. Her brains oozed out the back of her head as Carl beat her nonstop. As a hollow hole formed on her forehead, blood poured from every wound covering her head. Carl just kept hitting her, over and over again. A grunt of power coming out his mouth with each strike. He finally broke down into tears, dropping the blood-covered stone.

The tears washed off the splattered blood masking his facial expressions. I whispered,"Come on, Carl. Let's get back inside." Carl fell to his knees, crying beside Carol's body. He slowly nodded, and hesitantly stood up. We walked back into the cabin without saying a word.

Glenn grabbed my shoulder, making me face him. I kept my head down, not daring to look up at him. I was too ashamed of myself. He stated,"It's okay, Carl...that wasn't Carol." I didn't want to agree with him, but I had to. "Yeah...Th-that wasn't her..." Glenn nodded, patting my shoulder," need to wash up."

I feared to use the bathroom that was offered in that cabin, but I did. It was right beside Paige's room. The metal appliances were covered in rust. I mumbled to myself,"Does his shower even work?" I twisted the handle, and brown water like the color of old feces poured out of the shower head. I looked at it in disgust, then it turned clear. As I showered, I could see the blood dripping from the strands of my hair, flowing into the drain. I finished my shower, put my clothes on, and rubbed my hair with a used towel. I walked into Paige's room, my hair going every which way. "Oh...hey..." She smiled weakly. "Hi, I'm probably gonna make a bed on the floor right here, if you want me to." Paige replied,"Yeah! You can come up here with me for a bit, too." She gestured beside of her.

I smiled and nodded while scooting beside her. "Why did you need to take a shower?" She asked me looking up to me. I whispered,"I don't think you want to know..." She nodded,"I do...I really do..." I had to reply to her,"I had to h-help Glenn get Carol's body out of the cabin. She...turned...and I killed her...with a stone." She nodded again. "Oh...well, it's late, we should go to bed..." She turned away from me. "Okay..." I got up and laid down in my bed on the floor. "Goodnight..." I whispered. "Goodnight." She said as her breathing went steady.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. It was 1:30 in the morning. "What is that?" I mumbled. Something or someone was pounding on the window. Paige woke up, also. "Is somebody banging on the window?" I walked up to the window to see a brown haired, blue eyed, frightened boy peering through the window. He was crying,"HELP ME, PLEASE!!! THE CRANKS ARE OUT HERE!!! THE END IS NE-" As he said his last word, a figure came up behind him, and took a large chunk out of his neck. His jugular veins popping out of the open wound. His head slammed into the glass as blood gushed onto the window. I pulled the curtains over the window, terrified. "Don't look out there..."

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