Part 59

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I yanked Elizabeth off of Rose. She told us everything. I don't know how though...
"Why did you tell? did you know?" Elizabeth said.

Rose's face went pale. Her eyes got big. She noticed how we hadn't completely processed what she had said.

"D-did you say you've been...watching us?" I asked in confusion.

Her head slowly nodded.
"So, you know all of us?!?" My dad screamed.
She nodded again.
"Maybe she needs to leave..." Daryl suggested. Rose looked up at him quickly, shaking her head back and forth.

"No! No! Please! Don't leave me!" She exclaimed, pleaded.

I jogged over to her and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her.

"W-why are you hugging me...?" She asked, shakily.

"I'm saying goodbye..." I walked towards her as she walked backwards. She was standing at the doorstep as her eyes filled with tears.

"" She whimpered.

"Goodbye..." I said, slamming the door from the outside world.

Leaving her stranded in the dark.

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