Part 115

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"PAIGE! WATCH OUT!" I yelled as Paige stood there petrified, the zombies trying to break in. I grabbed her arm as Jestin squirmed and snapped at her.

"Paige? Are you okay?" I said as she huffed and puffed.

"I-I just felt something...check my shoulder." I pulled down her sleeve to see perfect, flawless skin covering her shoulder.


"Okay... I just felt like Jestin bit me...I felt like it really happened..."

" didn't..." Then, the door slammed open, walkers crowding the kitchen. "NOW WE GOT TO GO!"

I picked her up bridal style cause I knew she wouldn't be able to run. Everyone was following. The zombies were raiding.

Daryl was killing them with his pistol one by one. Beth ran to his side, shooting them, too.

"BETH! GO!" He yelled.


"YOU HAVE TO GO!" I said as more zombies piled in.

"YOU NEED THE EXTRA HELP, DARYL!" I looked at her with mournful eyes, then agreed.

We motioned the rest of the group to go, so they ran. They got out of there quick.

Over 20 walkers were around us. 2 scrawny ones came up at us.

"You get the one on the right!" I screamed to Beth. She nodded and went to shoot it.

A loud growl came from behind us. I spun around to see a fat, stubby zombie right behind Beth, knocking her over. She squirmed and screamed from under it. I aimed, then my gun was knocked out of my hand by other walkers. I kicked and punched, trying to get them away.

Then, I heard the most blood curdling scream I had ever heard in my life. I turned towards her. The tears swelling in my eyes as the zombie ripped her stomach open. The blood overflowing. Her blue eyes glistening at me in defeat.

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