Part 25

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Maggie stepped into the conversation. "What 'bout her?" She asked. Paige shook her head in confusion. "When I first met her, she said she was in the JRC!" Everyone looked like that just had an idea or they just understood it. "What does that stand for?" Daryl asked. "I-I don't know..." Paige whimpered, a crack in her voice. Then, I noticed it. "Paige..." She looked over at me in confusion. "What?" I pointed down at her wound. "Your side..." Her eyes shifted to the scar oozing with small green chucks. Bleeding and bubbling. The festering wound, pink and swollen.

They finally brought me around the side of the building to the white segment. The sign above the gated entrance said,"JRC" and under it added,"Junior Radioactive Crankisphonia." I couldn't help myself from asking,"What is this?" I could feel the man behind tense up on my arm, but the leader's arm swung out to stop him. "No, it's okay..." He stated. "This is the JRC. Don't worry, it's safer here." I nodded in fear. They always say stuff like that.

I entered the white doors as a gust of putrid air burst into my face. I looked around in shock. People with white masks, white shirts, and black pants were hovered over half-naked people being treated with different types of needles. They seemed to all be children or young adults. About 3-20 year olds. They were covered in wounds. Gross, crusty cuts in their skin. All of them had the same kinds of symptoms. Lacking of hair, green, oozing wounds, pink saliva. The most disgusting thing I had ever seen in my life.

"What is wrong with them?" I asked, hesitantly. Some of the patients eyes shifted towards me, offended. "They all have Crankisphonia." He told me. I darted my head around, shocked by all these poor kids. I forced my eyes to look ahead of me, and I saw another room with more kids in it. Except something was different. All these kids didn't have the disgusting symptoms. "What about them?" My finger pointed at the group of children. "Those are the experiments in the early stages of Crankisphonia. When we first tested some out, we thought it hadn't worked cause none of this,"he gestured towards all the sickly kids around us,"happened to them. So, we let them out. Turns out they still had it, and spread it."

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