Part 11

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Daryl was crying with me wrapped in his arms. "Why...why..." He muttered. I tried to comfort him,"Don't worry, it's okay, Rick didn't know what he was doing..." He glared into the distance. "...Rick..." He stood up in anger. He stared down at the weak Rick laying in the floor, sobbing. Daryl screamed,"STOP BEING SUCH A WIMP!" He furiously kicked Rick in his side. Rick grunted in pain, screaming slightly. Daryl started kicking him in the side with more force than the last. I yelled at him,"DARYL! STOP!" I pulled him away out of kicking distance. Daryl sobbed with a combination of anger,"JUST GET ME AWAY FORM HIM!" So, I dragged him out of the room.

"D-dad?" I walked up to my dad. He was motionless. A tear started rolling down my cheek. Not him, too. Then, I heard a weak voice,"Carl..." My dad started slightly and slowly turning towards me. "Dad!" I ran over to him and laid beside him. My heart racing. "I'm sorry...I was wrong...I'm scared." All he did was whisper to me,"Carl, just stay safe...Don't worry about me. I'll be fine..." I examined him up and down,"You're not-" He cut me off. "Go...Go with Paige, I-I'm fine..." I sobbed and left.

Beth shut the door behind us. "What has gotten into you?" I looked up at her,"He killed her...I just had to make him feel her pain..." Beth glared at me, then looked at her feet. "That wasn't the right thing to do..." I raised my voice a bit in frustration,"Then, what was? HE KILLED C-Carol..." Beth just kept looking at the ground,"I just shouldn't have..." I brushed the long blonde strands of hair out of her face, and said,"But, what if that was you, Beth? Better be lucky he's not dead..." Beth rubbed the side of my face,"That means a lot...I understand..." I leaned in and kissed her for a while. She smiled. "I love you..." I whispered. "I love you, too..."

"Paige, are you awake?" I said in a whisper. There was no reply. Just steady breathing. I got up and walked into the Sleeping Room. I witnessed Glenn. "Carl! I need help!" He had Carol's wrists grasped in his palm, trying to drag her out of the cabin. I turned my head in disgust about to cry. I nodded,"Yeah...okay..." I grabbed her frail ankles and dragged her out the door. I had to scoot her down the stairs of the doorway. Her head bounced back off of each step, spraying blood on us with every wood plank. P-poomph, p-poomph, p-poomph. We finally got off the steps of just seconds of despair which felt like years. I wiped the excess blood off my face with my plaid shirt sleeve. Glenn took a deep breath,"Ok, were good..." As we turned away to go back in the cabin, we heard a deep, raspy breath.

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