Part 102

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I looked up and saw Glenn. His skull bashed in with one powerful swing. The blood spread across the ground. His right eyeball hanging out of the socket. He cried and winced in pain.

"He's taking this like a fighter!" Negan exclaimed, excitingly.

He took more swings to Glenn's head. He lay here motionless, limp, bloody on the cement. His brain oozing out the top of his head where the barbed wire had sunk deep within his skin.

Everyone was in tears, crying. He hoisted the bat over his shoulder.

"All right! Who's next?" Negan asked. I trembled in fear, looking him in the eye. Negan looked over at me. "I think it's your turn..." He walked over to me, about to grab me by the arm. I clenched my teeth in fear as I felt a tight grasp around me. Then, I felt something spray on my face. I looked up to see Rose with a spear lodged into Negan. Right under his chin.

She was holding him from behind, twisting the wood with force. Rose then yanked it out of his throat, shoving his body beside me.

"R-rose!" I said, standing up and hugging her tightly. Crying into her shoulder. She held me close, her arms wrapped around my neck. My arms wrapped around her waist.

"I've been dying to see you..." She whispered.

"Are you all right?" I asked her, caringly.

"Yeah...I'm fine...Always..." She said with a giggle.

"Why'd you kill him? How'd you get out?" The questions overflowed my brain.

"I killed him because he messed with you guys. My family. I got out cause he left the key in my room..." We both laughed.

"We should head back..." Daryl suggested. We all glanced over at Glenn. The tears rimming our eyes. How was Maggie going to handle this? How is anyone going to be able to handle this?

The group slowly walked away from the massacre, back into the woods, back to the prison, back to the heartbreak.

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