Lithium at Limbo

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Season 5- Episode 11

"Lucy? Lucy, do you hear me?" I smiled as I felt my connection grow, home was close.
"I recognise this area, shouldn't be far." 10k looked around as we turned the corner, now on foot after running out of gas. "I know, I can feel them, I feel home." I smiled as Addy also popped up alongside Murphy and the other Talkers.

As soon as we turned onto the street, a furry blur rushed out of Limbo and into my arms, the force would've knocked me down had it not been for my mutated blood. "Hey, girl. I missed you." I smiled as Lucy licked my cheek, before putting her down. That's when I realised she'd grown, now, she was up to my knees, definitely no more fitting on my lap. Then I looked at Murphy, who had desperately tried to stop her from escaping. "Hi, Dad." He smiled upon noticing me, walking over and wrapping his arms around me, before pulling away and eyeing 10k. "I said have her back in a week." He snapped.
"Dad." I rolled my eyes.
"It's the apocalypse, a week is how ever long I judge it to be." 10k fought back.
"Tommy." I sighed, trying to make them stop.
"Woah, the kid gets an antler for a hand and now he's feeling brave!" Murphy applauded.
"Cut it out you two." Addy's voice spoke up, and I smiled upon seeing her, moving to her side. "Who've we got here then?" She looked at the crowd we'd brought.
"Miners. Found em working for some of Estes' guys." Doc informed, stepping through the group.
"If by working you mean slavery, then sure." I added, and she nodded, quickly understanding the situation.
"Right, lets get them inside before someone comes looking." Murphy waved us all in, and I turned to the talkers.
"Everyone, welcome to Limbo."

"I don't know how much longer we can wait for Finn and the others. We should've never split up. If we don't get these Talkers some bizkits or brains or something, they're gonna start turning Z fast." Addy spoke up, folding her arms and stepping towards the group of Talkers in concern.
"Oh, really? Tell me something I don't know." Murphy and I followed her as we looked at the miners, "and then you and Doc show up with these battery lickers? What the hell's up with that?" He turned on me as we joined Doc, and I rolled my eyes.
"They need our help." I gave Lucy a small pat on the head, and she left to go find someone else. "We don't have the resources to help them." Murphy retorted.

"How are the miners doing?" Doc's voice cut our conversation, about to turn argument, short. "Great. Great. Super great. As long as your definition of great is starving for brains and slowly turning zombie." Addy faked a smile as Murphy walked up to the tank, tapping on it, before looking at Doc. "Dude? I think your fish are dead."
"Man, they ain't fish in there. Those are bricks made of pure lithium. It's what they're using the Talkers to mine for." Doc informed, as I felt someone come close behind me, looking back to see 10k, Lucy in his arms, the undead dog looking very pleased with herself. "Seriously?" I gave him an amused look, he smiled, before leaning down and kissing my head.
"That's why they eat the batteries. It's the lithium." Doc continued his explanation. Addy stepped forwards, a flash of recognition in her eyes as she looked at them. "Wait. Yeah, I saw this before on the black market. Altura militia were feeding it to Talkers like crack. They were slicing it like truffles treating it like nitro. It's super flammable. That's why it's in the liquid."
"Black market? See anything else...never mind." I trailed off as Murphy gave me a disapproving look. If it were him, he'd be all over a fancy new weapon, but because it was me, it was 'wrong'. "They eat those?" Doc focused us back on the situation at hand.
"Yeah, just a slice on the tongue. It worked like the brains." Addy confirmed, I turned, feeling all eyes watching us and finding the talkers were waiting. Murphy caught on, following my gaze, before looking at Addy, "Uh, how's your truffle slicing skills?" She shrugged and then we heard three loud thuds from the door.

Murphy, Addy and I all looked at each other. "I'll get rid of them." He walked forwards.
"Yeah." Addy nodded and that's when I saw Lucy baring her teeth a little, squirming out of 10k's arms. "What is it, girl?" I stepped towards her in concern
"Shit. It's Estes." Murphy's loud whisper made me stiffen up.
"Alright, it's go time, people." I instantly sprung into action, sending all the Talker into their hiding place. "Lucy, watch." I pointed to the room and she rubbed my hand with her head, before sitting in front of them and watching. I closed the door, before running back to the main room, glaring daggers when the door was forced open and in case Estes with his goons.

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