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Was tagged by Holywolf200

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Was tagged by Holywolf200

1/ I have a gap in my left ankle after attempting to 'surf' on a basket swing when I was eight.

2/ Yorkshire Puddings+gravy, never forget the gravy 🤤

3/ The Yogscast, started out by watching Hannah do The Last Of Us, it's a great game and I recommend you check it out if you haven't already ;)

4/ I've known my bestie Katelyn since we were babies, still just as close now <3

5/ Little Daily Encouragement :)

5/ Little Daily Encouragement :)

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6/ AHHH, I can't decide. I love Kara and Mon-El (Supergirl), even more cos they're actually married (Melwood).
But from Z Nation it has to be Citizen Z and Kaya, or Serena and Murphy.

7/ 28th March

8/ Big Spiders-like, I can do little ones, except when my sister tries to hit them at me. Snakes. OUTLAST TWO is a bitch! Kidney failure. Sharks.

9/ My eyes shift between blue and grey/silver. My hair is naturally brown and long, but recently I got it dyed lighter to the ends. I tend to wear simple colours, not bright or anything like that, and clothes that are comfy.

10/ I Lived- One Republic

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10/ I Lived- One Republic

11/ My sister showed me the fanfics, and eventually I got it and started to write too.

12/ This is such a hard one....currently I'm obsessed with Kara Danvers/Zor El, but it may have to be Tallahassee in Zombieland.

13/ I hate to admit it, but I haven't actually read anything on here for years. I just struggle to find entertainment when reading anything, Fanfic or actual books, I've tried every genre and nothing. As a result, I quit reading and just continued to write as I enjoy that, so I don't really have any favourite accounts, sorry 😐 But like I said, I LOVE to write for you guys 😊

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