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It had officially been two years since we were separated from everyone, Lucy and I were the same height, looked the same age, about 21. We hadn't found Newmerica, all we knew is that we couldn't stop, Zona were always coming. There was no escape. "Hey, guys." Lucy pointed out of the front window, and I sat up, looking at the parked car. Two men were desperately trying to free a woman from a zombie, that was struggling more and more. "Let's roll." I smirked, opening the door and climbing out. They followed suit, and we walked side by side towards them.

"Back off or I'll shoot!" The first guy warned, I sighed.
"We're here to help." Addy responded, and I looked at Lucy.
"You got this one?" I asked, watching as she nodded.
"Tell her to get back." The guy shouted to his friend, but he shook his head.
"Let her help." He argued. Addy instantly dug a spike into the door, and we moved to the other side of the car. Lucy placed her hands against the glass, and the Z moved towards us. The growling subsided, and her eyes met with Lucy's. "Ready?" I asked, she nodded and I opened the door. The man raised his gun, and I stood still, allowing Lucy to tame the zombie. That's when he shot, and I rushed to duck down, Lucy threw her arms up in annoyance. "Why did you do that?" She questioned.
"You nearly shot me!" I added, moving to her side. Addy stayed silent, looking at the men.
"That was our mom." One explained.

Lucy's arms hit her aides with an audible thud, and I wrapped an arm around her shoulders, walking her back to the truck. "It's what she would've wanted them to do. Remember, people don't see them like we do." I whispered as Addy joined us to watch them leave.
"Are you sure you want to go to this Newmerica place?" Lucy asked us, Addy and I glanced at each other, knowingly.
"I don't think we have much of a choice." She replied. Suddenly, a familiar black truck came around the corner. "Zona." Lucy called it out.
"Time to jet." Addy mumbled. We rushed back into the truck, Lucy sitting in the middle of us.

Instantly, Addy slammed the pedal and we rushed away. As usual, the driving was rough, the poor track and avoiding zombies combining to make a bumpy ride. Although, I had to hand it to Addy, she was a good driver considering one eye was covered by a patch. "Careful!" Lucy shouted as Addy hit a Z.
"Tell that to the Zs!" She replied, "are they still back there?" Lucy and I turned to face the back.
"They're getting closer!"
"Zona's still after your blood." Addy complained. I folded my arms, sighing.
"You'd think two years would make them realise we don't want to be put in a lab, you know?" As I said this, we turned onto a road, and I gripped my seat to prevent movement.
"Next time, we need seatbelts."
"Agreed." Lucy replied.
"Jordan, give me eyes." Addy cut in, looking back. I turned around.
"Still hot, keep going." I replied, just as Lucy let out a loud shout.
"Look out!" Our heads snapped back to the front, finding a cannibal Z ball rolling past us. Addy quickly dodged it, and we burst out laughing as it hit Zona. "That's not funny! Zombies could've been hurt!" Lucy snapped, Addy looked at her.
"Sorry." She smirked, but Lucy couldn't hide her amusement as her own mouth formed a smile.

"And just like that, we're free for a while longer." I commented, squeezing Lucy. That's when Addy stopped the car, climbing out. "What are you...oh." I looked to where she pointed, seeing the swarmed van.
"Pass the binoculars." Addy said, holding out her hand. I opened the glove box and grabbed them, before climbing out and standing with her. "Three Zs. Two humans." She informed, Lucy rolled her eyes behind us.
"Why bother? They're just humans." She complained, Addy looked at me, then at Lucy.
"We got to work on a new attitude for you, missy, before we get to Newmerica." Addy stated, grabbing her Z-whacker.
"I don't know why everyone's in such a hurry to get to Newmerica. Just sounds cold to me." Lucy said. I chuckled, looking at her.
"That's the point, sis. Us 'humans' do better than Zs in the cold." I teased, before following Addy towards the van.
"We're not even human." Lucy argued, confused as she trailed behind.
"Hence the air quotes." I replied, falling silent as we neared the van.

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