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Season 5- Episode 8

"Ok, what about the Video where the cat like totally protects a toddler from an attacking dog? Like comes like tearing around, claws and fangs, and the dog turns tail and scrams?" Addy looked at 10k as she described the third cat video of the hour to him.
"We only used the internet for ordering guns." He replied.
"God, you're as bad as Jordan!" Addy complained, I elbowed her in response, and she sighed, looking away for a moment. "Okay, keyboard cat? Okay, you have to have seen keyboard cat. He was everywhere." She proceeded to waved her arms up and down in front of her, causing a small laugh to escape my lips. "Oh yeah. I think I heard of him. He...like...types?" 10k nodded, Addy shook her head in disbelief, looking back in my direction as Warren just smiled in amusement. "How did you date this guy?" She questioned me.
"I haven't seen it either." I admitted. This caused her to stop walking all together.
"You know what? If we ever get the chance to use the internet again, forget educating you on Disney, you two are sitting in a room and watching cat videos." She stated.
"What is the deal with cat videos anyway? Dogs are way cooler." 10k argued.
"Dogs can't play piano." Addy responded, a cocky smile on her face. Warren let out a small sigh, looking around at the scenery.
"These fields need to be harvested. They're going to seed."
"A friend of mine helped me move a group of Talkers from here to Limbo. But I don't know how many live humans are left to work the fields." Addy informed. Warren nodded, before leading us onwards once again until we came across a Heartland sign.

"Welcome to Heartland. What's the plan?" Addy, 10k and I looked at Warren.
"Make contact with the locals and see if we can find out about what's in these biscuits." She replied.
"And then what? What's our endgame here?" Addy questioned, looking around.
"Help George with this idea of hers. A new country." At Warren's response, Addy began to walk away, clearly not on board with her plan.
"I don't think we're the nation-building types. You know?" She began, before turning back to us, "more like the tear-shit-up types."
"Whoever controls the supply of Bizkits controls the new world. And we want to make sure we got the right people in charge." Warren reminded, the three of us now walking forwards with Addy.
"Uh Huh. Like George?" Addy questioned.
"She's a natural leader. That's who you want in battle." Warren stated.
"Yeah, but you pick your battles."

"Bodies up ahead, at least two of them." 10k spoke up, jogging ahead to check them.
"Mercied?" Warren asked him.
"Looks like it."
"Definitely." I confirmed.
"Yeah, it's another one here. And another." Addy called out, and I looked to where her and Warren stood to the side. "Farm workers," she told us, "some of them are Talkers."
"Looks like somebody didn't want these Bizkits to be made." As Warren said this I heard whispers, people begging to be fed, and jolted in surprise.
"You okay?" Addy looked at me in concern.
"You hear that?" I asked, the group looked around, the answer being obvious.
"Feed us."
"Tell me your heard that." I shivered at the sound.
"Yeah, I hear something." 10k spoke up, as we fell silent, and the whispers grew louder.
"Psst." We looked at Warren, and she gestured to split up, her and 10k going alone, whilst Addy and I stuck together.

"They're starving." I whispered, the two of us walking side by side as I felt the Talkers desperation.
"Feed us."
"Addy. They're not gonna last much longer." I continued.
"Just keep moving." She responded, as we turned the corner and saw 10k, behind him Talkers.
"10k. Heads up." Addy warned.
"I see them." He nodded, turning and looking down his scope.
"Don't shoot. That's a Talker." I stopped him.
"Are you sure? Looks pretty bad." He warned.
"She's right. If he's still talking, he might know something." Warren joined us, and 10k let down his sniper as she lowered her gun, "Follow my lead." With that, she raised her empty hands into the air, and walked out into the open.
"I love it when she says that." Addy shrugged, before 10k and I followed suit, showing we were no threat.

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