Humans Are The Worst

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A little short :)

I smiled down at Lucy as we drove along a small road in a village. It was quiet and surprisingly, there were no zombies coming for her. "How's she doing?" Murphy asked, looking across at me, then down to the sleeping baby.
"Good. It's actually quite scary how peaceful it is right now." I replied.
"Yeah. Jordan makes a good point, I don't like it." Addy spoke up from her seat with 10k in the large boot. Doc turned around, looking down at Lucy. "Well Baby Blue is happy so that's not the problem...and now I get why Jordan is called Icicle." He added as I have him a cold stare.
"We should stay on guard, anyone sees anything just shout." Vasquez stated, looking into his wind mirror. I glanced behind me at 10k, who was still a little silent, taking the odd look at Cassandra every now and again.

Then the engine stopped, "what happened?" I asked, rocking Lucy slightly as she began to stir, then settle again.
"Out of gas. Looks like we're walking." Warren replied, and we all groaned, stepping out. We walked along the path, into a small village, still no sounds but our own footsteps. I slowed slightly and walked beside 10k. "How're you doing?" I asked, he looked at me and shrugged.
"I'll be okay. It's like you said, 5k would've wanted me to live, so I'm gonna. Like I would if we hadn't met them." I went on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. I then caught Murphy, turning his head and watching us, so I sped up and caught up with him. "What? Can I not kiss my boyfriend?" I questioned, he just rolled his eyes.
"I swear to god, Lucy better not be as difficult as you when she grows up."
"Well she is your daughter." I reminded.
"What's that supposed to mean?" We all started laughing at him slightly, before the group slowed.

"No way..a gas station, how lucky can we get?" Doc was the first to speak as we neared the building and pumps.
"Knowing us, not very. Come on, let's see if this thing is still kic...." Warren was cut off by a gunshot hitting the ground ahead of us. My instincts kicked in and I instantly went to the back of the group, using them as cover to get to a wall. My main priority was covering Lucy. There were three men, two with crowbars and one with two small machine guns. "What brings you folks out here?" The first questioned.
"We're just passing through.."
"Now hold on just a second, nobody can pass through here without paying a price." The second guy cut off Vasquez.
"Well what's your price?" Doc asked, just as he did Lucy started to stir again.
"No, no, no. Shhh, come on LuLu. Not now." I pleaded rocking her.

"Wait a minute, guys where's Lucy, and..." Murphy stopped talking as Lucy burst into tears. I rocked her more, watching as the third man walked towards us. "Well, what do we have here?" He grinned, pulling me up. My eyes darted around, my mind pleading for zombies, but there was nothing. No connections to anything. "Get off me." I growled pulling away and standing my ground, pulling Lucy closer.
"Oh, look. A baby. Too bad she's not gonna make it through this, who's the idiot who birthed her into an apocalypse?" The leader mocked, this time Murphy spoke up.

"Her name was Serena, and you better get away from my daughters." He charged at the guy and I ran out of the way, holding Lucy even closer as gunshots were fired. 10k placed a shot through the leader's head, Addy, Vasquez and Warren fought of the second, whilst Murphy, Doc, and Cassandra came for the last, who advanced towards me. Cassandra knocked the crowbar from his hand and I threw it to Murphy, who lodged it into his head. "Nobody touches my girls." He snapped before ripping his head clean off.

Instantly, I stood, running over to him. "You had me worried then, I thought you had run off." He mumbled, taking Lucy and rocking her back to sleep.
"Well, I know what I'm doing. Zombies, mean run. Humans, hide. They are just the worst."

I will upload a longer chapter tonight, schools a draggggg 😂😵

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