State of Mine

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Season 5- Episode 10

We all ducked low as another recycling truck went by. We'd been seeing them on the road for a while now and decided to follow it, trying to find their source. Warren's mind had been filled with the prophecy Ashki's grandfather had given her, I knew she had faith in his words, and so I did too. "Another one of those recycling trucks. Somebody's burning gas like there's no apocalypse." Doc spoke up as we came out form our hiding place.
"Yeah, what was in that crate?" Warren looked at him.
"Whatever it is, I'll bet it's headed to Altura." George sighed.
"I think you're right. But where is it coming from?" Warren walked away from us, turning to look at the metal sheet beside us.
"Warren?" George gave her a concerned look, and I moved to join her side, looking in as a claw dropped some trash into the heap. "Knowledge is buried underneath the past."
"Guarded by demons with sharp claws." I finished the words with her, and George readied her gun, "The ancestor's prophecy?"
"Worth checking out. Stay quiet. Keep low." Warren ordered in a whisper, drawing her own gun and leading us forwards.

"Well, cool, at least we're sticking together." Doc looked at 10k and I smirked, turning to the pair.
"I give it twenty minutes." I spoke up.
"Don't jinx us." Doc groaned.
"Yeah, what is with the constant pointing out the negatives?" 10k questioned.
"Well there aren't many positives right now, are there?" I responded.
"Except the fact that we're not splitting up." Doc repeated.
"Make it ten minutes." I sighed, climbing onto the truck behind Warren and George, all of us dropping low as we scoped it out.

"North American Recycling." Warren read the distant sign.
"Quite the operation." Doc shook his head.
"I got Talkers." I informed, something wasn't quite right either.
"Altura. What are they up to now?" George glanced at Warren, clearly worried about the situation.
"They're Talkers all right." Warren confirmed.
"Talkers?" George took the binoculars from Warren at the confirmation, taking in the junkyard herself.
"What are they doing?" Doc asked.
"They're scavenging. Electronics. Phones. Laptops." George listed.
"No, they're mining something." Warren corrected, the two looking at each other.

"Caution. Hazardous materials." 10k read aloud, causing Doc to roll his eyes.
"Of course. Why can't the signs ever say anything nice Like, 'baby goats, this way'." He chimed.
"Because I doubt there are many baby goats left, if any." I reminded.
"Sorry, Miss Sunshine." I shook my head in amusement at the name.

"Should we be worried about this stuff?" George directed our attention back to the recycling yard.
"It's the apocalypse. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Warren replied.
"Well then I'm superman." Doc stated, whilst George just shrugged.
"Want me take up a position?" 10k spoke up, looking over at Warren.
"Good to have you back, Baby Boy. But I need to figure out what's going on before you start shooting people. We're gonna split up. You and Doc go figure out where they're loading these trucks. And we are gonna check out these miners." Warren planned, getting a nod from George and I.
"That didn't take long." Doc complained.
"What was that you were saying about the positives, Doc?" I raised an eyebrow, smirking at his disappointed look.

We went to move out when something else caught my attention. I didn't know who it was, I didn't know what it was. I could feel something, it was almost brain dead, and yet, it hadn't it full Z. I couldn't reach out. I couldn't talk to it. I couldn't help it.

"Baby girl? Hey? You with us?" Something solid on my shoulder made me jolt, and I immediately went into defence mode, twisting and holding the arm behind the person's back. "Easy. It's me. It's 10k." I looked up, then down,  seeing he'd used the antler hand to tap my shoulder, and let go. "Sorry. I don't know what happened...there's something here, it..." I trailed off, realising I didn't know what it was, and that meant I couldn't explain it.
"Alright. Doc, 10k, take her with you. I don't want her near the Talkers, not until we figure out what's going on here." Warren spoke up.
"I'm fine, I just..."
"Jordan. Go with them." She cut me off, and I sighed, giving her a reluctant nod, walking with Doc and 10k

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