The Black Rainbow

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Season 4- Episode 13

"Jordan, President." I nodded, catching my latest friend as Murphy drew his cane, helping the others to fight of the incoming Zs. "Gentle." I looked at Carney as he let out the small growl to go with his words, "it's the apocalypse, there's no time for gentle." As if to prove my point I shoved him out of harms way as a bullet flew between us and into a Z. "Seriously?" I looked at 10k, who smirked knowingly as he lowered his gun. "You know I wouldn't shoot you."
"Can't say the same back, Sniper Boy." I teased, joining his side with Carney.
"Whatever." He leant down and kissed me before we walked on.

"You know, if you just told us what you were looking for, it'd be a lot easier to help you find it." Murphy spoke up as we followed Warren, having retaken Carney's tie. She climbed atop the nearby rubble and looked into the distance, "I'll know it when I see it. We're getting close." She assured, before walking again.
"We're on the move." Doc spoke up as Murphy stayed put.
"You know this whole place is radiated, right?" He asked as we turned to him, the others looking around.
"Who's fault is that?" Doc responded.
"Wasn't my idea to have a third strike weapon. Now we're all gonna get cancer in 20 years!" Murphy protested.
"Let's hope." Doc mumbled, causing me to laugh, but I stopped as I felt an incoming Z.
"10k." At the sound of his name he turned, following my gaze as it appeared on the rubble right by Murphy and Carney, before shooting. "Shit!" He cursed, jumping back.
"Watch it, Murphy. We're gonna need him." He sassed, causing me to chuckle.
"Him?" The others walked off as Murphy gave me a questioning look, to which I shrugged as he looked at the president. "Come on tasty snack, they'll bite your ass too."
"Less talk, more walk!" I chimed, jogging to catch up with Warren as she slipped away again.

"Warren, Whatcha doin?" Murphy questioned as he watched her look around. "Warren?"
"Shut up!" I hissed, hitting his arm.
"She's got that look again." Doc spoke up, the whole group now watching her movements as she studied the area. "Here, hold this." Murphy passed the tie to Doc, before walking towards her. "What are you looking at?" He questioned, before she snapped away, pulling him in front of her.
"Stand here."
"Stand here and put your hands up." Warren repeated, looking behind him.
"Put my hands up?" He jokingly put them up and she glared.
"Dad, just do it. I know she's onto something." I spoke up, going her side as I focused on her vision. I moved back, looking at the ground as I spotted something familiar. "Is this really necessary? I haven't worn deodorant in like three weeks." Murphy continued to complain as I whistled, getting Warren to look at the sign I'd found. "Murphy, would you shut up for once and do what the lady says." Doc spoke up, looking over at him.
"You do stink though." 10k added, earning a shush from Sarge. She picked it up, looking at Murphy. "Seriously, does anybody know what's going on?" He complained, again, causing a shush to come from Doc.
"Get up on the rock and put your hands together."
"Well, of course. Cause that makes perfect sense." Yet an other complaint sent me over the edge and I walked over, pushing him out of the way as I climbed up myself. "Hey!"
"Warren, you see it, I'll move." I said, meeting her eyes as she got Sarge to hold the sign, entering her vision. I moved my hands higher to make a sharper point, my vision blurring until her vision and the real world became one in front of me, the light shining on the ground. "Atta Girl." Warren smiled at me as she found an entrance to an underground bunker. We were getting close.

"Explain to me again why we got to bring President Klutz along. I mean why can't we just bring his thumb?" Murphy questioned as Sarge lowered him on a rope, the rest of us below to see him down.
"Because his thumbs would shrivel and it might not work." Warren reminded as I finally managed to reach his hand.
"Well what does that other fellow want with those thumbs then?" Doc spoke up, sighing in relief as I calmed the growling president.
"Maybe he just wanted to stop us from getting them. Kaya thought he had already changed the launch codes when he hacked in from Northern Light."
"Sounds like something a dick in the apocalypse would do." I agreed with Warren, taking hold of Carney's other hand too. All of a sudden, he dropped, sending the two of us crashing to the floor. "Sorry about that!" Sarge shouted down, as I let out a groan.
"Got him!" 10k confirmed, looking down at me.
"I hate you." He just laughed as Carney got up, and he pulled me into a stand. "You alright?" I looked at Carney, who nodded and wandered towards Murphy.
"I think he likes you." 10k teased, watching them.
"You're not my type, friend. So, where to next on our VIP tour from hell?" Murphy asked as Warren walked on.
"That way." Sarge replied following her as he struggled to lead Carney onwards.
"Come on. Step. Step. Step. There. Whoa." He leant towards Doc, and Murphy grabbed his tie, as I stepped towards them he held a hand out. "All right, I got him. I got him."
"If you say so, play nice?" I winked at Carney and 10k tugged me on as Murphy scoffed.
"Of course, talk to the dead and ditch them."
"Love you too, dad."
"Shhh." I looked at 10k, before going silent and following the group into the darkness.

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