Murphy's Law Part.2

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As we were walking Murphy pulled me closer to him, "I want you to run." He whispered, I stared.
"No. You can't make me." I replied as we continued walking.
"If you die doing this, I would never forgive myself, please run." He pleaded again, trying to push me away. I clung to his arm, "and if you die after I run, then what's the point in me living?" He blinked, unsure of what to say.
"Just promise me, you'll be careful."
"I promise." And with that we went silent as we continued our journey.

After another ten minutes of walking, Murphy started to speak with Janice. "I see you're wearing a wedding ring, your husband?" He asked.
"Among the lost. Zs got him last time we tried this." She replied.
"You guys tried robbing this Oxy before?" I perked up, walking beside them.
"A month ago, he and Zimmerman cooked up the whole idea." Janice explained.
"What was his name?"
"How long were you guys married?" Murphy asked.
"Five years. He was a cop." She replied, as Brett spoke up when we entered the shade of trees.
"Knock off the questions Murphy. This isn't I'm gonna scout up ahead, Henry! Keep an eye out. We'll be expecting Zs soon." And with that he left.

Murphy threw his jacket to me. I placed it on a log, in the open so the group would see it. I also placed my knife underneath, in its sheath. To let 10k know I was also alive, that I was safe for now. Citizen Z should have contacted them by now. "It must be tough. Your husband dead while a wannabe like Zimmerman lives." Murphy sat down and I climbed a tree.
"Jason knew the risks." Janice stated.
"Still, worked out pretty well for Zimmerman." Murphy mumbled, as she reloaded her pistol.
"What are you saying?" She hissed.
"Nothing. Just your husband gets to walk among the dead while Zimmerman gets you." Murphy explained.
"Shut up!" She growled.
"Sorry. Just a chatty Kathy, didn't mean anything." At that moment I felt something weird, knowing Murphy was behind it.

I swung from a branch and landed perfectly behind Murphy. He had taken control, I knew he knew what he was doing. He lifted her arm, aiming the gun, finger over the trigger. "Murphy, careful." I whispered as he stood up, getting closer. Then I had an idea, I followed him and whispered, "shoot, the team will hear it." He blinked and the trigger was pulled. Then he put his hand on the gun, "let's be careful." He mumbled as Henry ran over.
"Hey, hey! Give me that!" They started to fight over it when I leant in and scratched Henry. Now I knew what I was doing, I had done this one before. A long time ago when a guy tried to..use me, so to speak. "What the hell is going on here? Who fired that shot?" Brett asked running back over annoyed.
"They went for her gun and it went off." Henry lied.
"Is that true?" Brett asked Janice. Murphy looked at her, clearly in control.
"No. It was an accident, I was reloading and it went off." Janice lied.
"We were just trying to be helpful, then this idiot tackles me. " Murphy shouted, lifting a hand towards Henry.
"All right, enough! All of you. Knock off the bullshit and pull yourselves together. The Mesa plant is just ahead. We need to get going before it gets dark." He turned to leave, me and Murphy just behind Henry. We looked back at the jacket and knife before each other, with a high five we were off.

"Stop, everyone" Brett finally ordered.
"About time." I grumbled.
"Don't worry, our target is just over this ridge."
"And your troubles will soon be over." Henry grinned as he walked past us, it was creepy and I backed into Murphy slightly. "I don't like the way he said that." Murphy stated as I nodded to him. I walked over to Henry and stared, "you want something?" He asked lifting his bottle to his lips. But I stopped him, turning my thoughts into his and making him offer me the bottle. I snapped out of it when Brett spoke up, "Henry check the perimeter, I don't want any surprises." He ordered. Henry slowly recovered from the experience and I walked back to Murphy who smiled, impressed. "You two, with me!" Brett pointed to us and I groaned following Murphy over.
"Why does everybody think they can boss us around?" He questioned.

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