
1.6K 33 0

Season 2 - Episode 9

I looked up at the stars, smiling as I blocked everything but the radio out. We were in a small, open car, driving along the road. Me and 10k were just on the back, like always, being the smallest and not having much choice.

"Who killed the music?" I scowled as it started to crackle. No answer.
"Wait. What is that?" Murphy asked, leaning forwards and looking past Addy at a sliced up Z on the floor, still growling away.
"That is a new one." Addy said.
"Well I want whatever did that." 10k smiled beside me.
"Like a Samurai Surgeon." Doc added.
"Some things you just can't unsee," Addy sighed, I rolled my eyes.
"Can we just show it some mercy, please." I spoke up, 10k nodded pulling out a pistol. Addy covered her ears and it was done. "4234. And a third." 10k mumbled.
"Take the whole kill. You deserve it, kid." Doc told him.
"Thirty five. You know they used to find mutilated cattle out here, back pre Z." 10k informed.
"Mutilated Cattle? Like x-files mutilated cattle?" Warren asked, glancing into the mirror.
"Yeah my uncle knew all about it. Aliens did it."
"Have you been smoking my Z weed?" Doc questioned.
"Well maybe you better start."

"You believe in UFOs?" Murphy asked him, joining the conversation.
"Sure." 10k replied.
"That's ridiculous. Aliens don't exist. If they were smart enough to get here, they wouldn't put up with the dumb-ass human race for a minute. It's pure science fiction." Murphy stated.
"That's what people said about zombies." 10k reminded.
"Don't start arguing." I mentally pleaded with Murphy.
"Well, I mean maybe there's zombies. But there sure as hell ain't no aliens." Just as he said this the music stopped, and the car cut out.
"Oh fuckin hell." I complained, sticking a finger up at the radio. Murphy smacked my hand and I just stuck my tongue out at him.
"Come on, baby. Don't fail me now." Warren complained trying to start the engine again.

That's when a strange sound came through the radio. "What the hell kind of language is that?" Vasquez questioned, looking at it.
"Sounds like alien cross talk to me." 10k said in an over enthusiastic voice.
"Now you're just saying that to piss me off, aren't you?" Murphy snapped, I had to admit, that was actually a little funny.
"Am I the only one a little creeped out?" Doc asked, I looked behind us, wincing as a light shone in my eyes.
"Anyone got eyes on where that light's coming from?" Warren questioned, the truck fell silent as we watched it fly overhead, dismember a figure, then take off with a loud boom.

"Like I was saying." 10k broke the silence that had come over us. Then the radio and car started again, and I let out a cheer, throwing my arms up. "Well that was exciting." Doc said.
"I don't want my apocalypse any more exciting than it already is, thank you." Murphy grumbled.
"Come on dad, loosen up." I nudged his shoulder, he just pushed my hand off.
"Somebody wanna go ahead and tell me what that was?" Addy asked.
"A plane?" Doc suggested.
"Been seeing those contrails for a while." Vasquez informed.
"Is that possible?" Warren questioned.
"Somebody flying something."
"Alright listen, my dad was this no bullshit, tell it like it is, Air Force pilot. He told this story of seeing this brightly lit craft buzzing over him in northern Nevada. And it made him a total believer. And even as a little girl, I like, I wondered." Warren spoke, looking up at the dark sky.
"Well wonder no more. Zombies got here first. There are no aliens." Murphy told her.
"Well I dunno. A UFO seems more likely than somebody still able to fly a jet today. Especially one that can do that." Doc pointed out.
"I'm telling ya.."
"Don't make me bite you," Murphy cut off 10k, I let out a low growl, "kidding." He added.
"Mm-Hm." I folded my arms as 10k sighed, looking at me, giving him an apologetic glance, before staring off into the sky as the sun started to rise.

After a small scout, we headed towards a crash site, the car parked close behind. "Is this what I'm supposed to believe in?" Warren questioned as we walked up to the wreckage.
"Crash site of some kind." Vasquez pointed out, again.
"Looks like the future." Doc said in amazement.
"Well it's definitely been here a while. Probably crashed back when everything went bad." Warren responded.
"Looks like there's some markings here. Kinda weird." Addy informed.
"It's not a plane. There's no wings" 10k stated.
"Helicopter or something" Vasquez suggested.
"Yeah, but where are the rotors?" Warren pointed out.
"Guys, what is it?" Addy asked, turning around as she stood at the head of the circular mark. No response.
"If anyone says flying saucer, I'm out of here" Murphy spoke up.
"Well it sure looks like a..." Murphy glared at Doc, "an airborne disc of some kind."
"Well whatever it is, it's not the thing we saw last night. So let's keep going." Warren ordered.
"Into Roswell?" Murphy questioned.
"We need supplies."
"Great, more alien huggers." As he said this growling was heard.
"Never mind aliens. Puppies and kittens, people." Warren hollered.
"I make four." I told the group. Warren turned and shot the first two.
"Couple more over here." Doc warned.
"10k, you're up." Warren said, he nodded and pulled out his slingshot, sending a cog flying. It skimmed the first and hit the second, so he pulled a blade and got the second. "4236...37"
"I still hate that," I sighed, as Murphy wrapped an arm around me, and we clambered back into the car.

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