Mt. Weather

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Sorry for the heavy inactivity lately, I've had a rough couple of months, but here's an extra long chapter to (hopefully) make up for it ~ TFGx

Season 4-Episode 12

"This is it, Mt. Weather. If Kaya's right, then the president is still here." Warren was the first to speak as we approached the mountain.
"Trespassers will be shot." I looked at Doc, seeing he was reading a sign beside a zombie being electrocuted by a fallen fence.
"Isn't what's left of the government in Newmerica by now?" Murphy asked, loooking around.
"Mount Weather's a continuity of government site. So this'll be the last place they'll evacuate." Warren replied.
"We were still getting orders out of here. Back when we were still getting orders." Sarge corrected herself, and I slowly walked towards the zombie.

"Continuity of government. Don't you love it? During a nuclear war, the entire US government gets relocated to a secure underground facility. The rest of us, get blown to smithereens." Doc complained.
"Great idea for a nuclear holocaust. For a zombie apocalypse, not so much. Jordan, don't get fried, alright?" I glanced back at Murphy, rolling my eyes as I drew my knife and leant forwards.
"Mercy." I whispered, before stabbing the Z and standing back up.
"Well, we're close. Keep your eyes open for anything living, Jordan, you mind?" Warren looked at me, and I nodded, joining her side as we walked on.

"There it is. We can get to the door this way." Warren said, and I looked to my side at the metal sticking out of the rock.
"Looks like we got vehicles up ahead." 10k informed, causing me to walk on faster.
"How we looking?" Warren asked me.
"These two should be clean, that one, not so much." I pointed to the final truck, reaching out for those inside.
"The president?" Sarge asked me as I walked closer.
"No, secret service. Open up." I gave them an assuring nod, instantly holding my hands out and slowing the Zs as they were mercied.
"Mad Zs?" Murphy questioned.
"Nah, old school." 10k replied as Doc and Warren looked inside.
"Is this the president?" She asked.
"Sort of. But all the good parts are gone. And no thumb on this hand. There's no hand on that hand." Doc informed, as Murphy came around to us.
"Wow, eaten by your own secret service detail. That's some messed up shit." He shook his head, and I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Well, Chief, we got a President with no thumbs. Now what?" Doc looked at Warren.
"We go inside." She responded.
"We go inside? Why? The president's dead. We can't change the launch codes." Murphy argued. Warren held up the badge that he had been wearing. "FGOTUS? What the hells that?" He questioned, confused.
"First gentleman of the United States. This isn't the president. This is the president's husband. That means the president could still be in there." She informed.
"Fair enough." I shrugged, following her to the doors.

"These are...big." Murphy commented, looking up at them.
"Yeah, no shit Sherlock." I said, looking at Warren.
"Damn sure they're locked." Doc added.
"Not for long." She smirked, placing the card into the lock, only to get a beep in return.
"What's wrong?" Murphy asked.
"There's a retina scanner. He needs to look into the scanner while you swipe the card." Sarge informed.
"Or at least his eyeball does." Doc added.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Warren looked back at him, causing him to run off with a nod.
"Ewww," Murphy groaned, making me laugh.
"We've seen worse." I reminded, leaning on 10k as we waited. Minutes later we were in, and I continued to tease Murphy for his looks of disgust. "May I remind you, that you bit people who'd probably not washed in months, if not years." I chimed.
"And you didn't." He argued. We all paused, giving him a confused glare.
"No, I didn't."
"Oh, right." He backed down and we continued walking.

"No sign of Zs so far, Jordan?" Sarge spoke up.
"No sign of any humans either." 10k said, looking into an office window.
"At least they have power." Doc pointed out.
"Well, keep your eyes peeled for signs of life." Warren ordered.
"Keep em peeled for the dead too." Murphy mumbled, leaning towards me. "All right, Executive, Judicial, and Legslative?"
"Start at the top." Warren replied before he could ask his question, leading us on.
"Why has it always got to be underground? Can't we for once have a big showdown in a penthouse or aviary, something with a Windows?" Doc complained, and I turned, walking backwards.
"That wouldn't be scary enough for the zombies, would it? Imagine the apocalypse in a world made of rainbows, you'd be too busy laughing to fight, and end up being munched." He shrugged at my response, and we walked on.

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