We Interrupt This Program

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Season 4- Episode 9

"Kaya sounds like she's in real trouble. I wish we could do something." Doc spoke up, looking at Warren on his right. We were wandering around, searching for a way to contact Kaya. She'd sent a distress signal as we left the church, and we still hadn't managed to speak to her. "We got to find a way to boost our radio signal." Warren replied.
"Look, she can't help us, we can't help her. I say we call it even." Murphy said, looking around as we neared a wreckage.
"A Tv or radio station could give us the signal boost we need." Sarge informed.
"What we need is a vehicle. Where did this come from? A chopper crash?" 10k looked down at a broken door, and a nearby car had a propellor stuck through the glass.

"A disabled vehicle on Us-41 has traffic moving slower than a clogged artery in a diseased heart. And I-41 is blocked by a horde of zombies. Film at 11:00." Murphy pretended to be on air, holding his hand to his ear, making me laugh.
"You sound pretty good there, Murphy." Doc smiled, walking up to him, patting his back.
"Yeah, right? You know, I could've done traffic or been a news anchor, if I'd only applied myself. 'Stay tuned for traffic on the nines'. Back to you, Susie and Ken."
"That was Alvin Murphy with the traffic, stay safe wherever you are." I played along as Murphy pointed at 10k and I, before Warren cut us off with a small look.
"That oughta boost our signal."
"Oh, damn." I looked up at the giant satellite, before following her over to the doors.

"Barricaded from the inside. Got to love their optimism." Doc shook his head.
"Locked in for eight years. This is gonna be like opening up a tomb." Warren sighed, glancing at me and earning a nod of confirmation as I felt the zombies inside. "No signs of looting. So the equipment is likely in good shape." Sarge spoke up, looking up at a window.
"This town must have turned fast." 10k added, his head against the door as he tried to see inside.
"Well, it helps if this town isn't on the way to anywhere."
"Not a packer fan, eh?" Warren looked back at Murphy.
"What's a packer?" We both asked, looking at her in confusion. Sarge looked at Murphy, "you get beat up a lot as a kid?"

"We could break down these doors." 10k cut our conversation short, as Murphy rolled his eyes, and I shrugged back.
"Let's find a way in that doesn't invite anyone to follow." Warren suggested.
"Hey, guys, reckon that van's any good?" I pointed to the news vehicle, and Warren looked over.
"Let's check it out, are we clear?"
"Nobody's inside." I responded, allowing Doc to open up the back, and Warren to try and start it up. "Walkie talkies. Road flares." Doc listed.
"Oh, batteries. First aid kit. We can use this." Sarge continued.
"Gallon of gas. Probably oxidised." I jumped as 10k appeared in a passenger seat, leaning in through the door and opening the can, "sealed tight." Then it opened, and we smelt it.
"I haven't smelt gas that fresh since Jesus was a corporal." Sarge celebrated.

"Are there any candy bars, or protein bars? Check the glove compartment or under the seat. They'll have snacks. I'd never risk a blood sugar crash on a live remote." Murphy spoke up, placing his hands on the door.
"Quit it, Murphy. You're making me hungry." Doc snapped, before looking back down at the supplies.
"Big chicken dinner for you." Sarge pulled out a bar, handing it to Murphy.
"The Action News van isn't gonna drive again. But one of these keys will get us into the TV station." Warren held up the set, before getting out and opening up a side door.

"Jordan, how're we looking?" Warren asked, looking back at me.
"We're clear for now, but they're in here." I replied, "I'll go first." I went to step forwards, but Murphy shook his head, pulling me back.
"No, you're staying where I can see you, and behind someone who can protect you." He demanded. I looked to Warren for backup, but she just gave me a sorry look, before heading inside.

"Generator's probably in the basement." Sarge spoke up, following directly in front of me.
"I hope it's not a trap, I'm tired of running into traps." 10k sighed, looking sideways at me.
"Yeah, especially when it's people, they suck." I agreed, before closing my eyes and trying to block out the growling that was rising. "What's with you?" Doc questioned, I looked back, ready to reply, but he was talking to Murphy.
"Did you hear that?" He asked.
"Hear what?" Doc replied.
"Nothing. Must be my stomach." Murphy blinked, but I knew something more happened. "Did you hear them?" I glanced back at him, meeting his eyes.
"Who's them? Zombies?" I nodded, and he shook his head as we carried on.

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