No Choice

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Season 3- Episode 9

I sighed as I sat looking out of the tower. Murphy hadn't spoken to me since last night, and I didn't feel like talking to any blends either. So I spent my time leaning on the wall, sitting on the ledge of the tower and watching the world below. It was peaceful, and as usual, I knew it wouldn't last. Peace is something that vanished along with humanity years ago at the start of this hell we call the apocalypse.

"Please...hear me...I'm me," I groaned as a voice echoed in my head, interrupting the peace, as predicted. The voice sounded so familiar, it sounded like 10k. But why would he be here again? I told Doc to keep him far away from Murphy, and there's no way he'd let him go...unless, Warren!

I ran down the steps, slowing and standing behind the wall as I spotted the scene around the corner. Murphy stood holding the injectors, opposite 10k who was stood beside Wesson. "So, you tell me what Warren is planning, and I might just give your soul back." Murphy offered, but 10k knew better. " more time, what is Warren's plan." He repeated. 10k just smirked at him.
"She's planning to spank your ass good." I had to put my hand over my mouth, concealing my laughter. 10k-1, Murphy-0. "Find him something useful to do." Murphy ordered, and Wesson led him out.

I waited for a few minutes, before stepping forwards, and then entering as if nothing had happened. "Dad, can we talk?" I asked, walking up to him. He smiled.
"Sure Jordan, what's wrong?" I sighed, he was keeping it hidden from me, that he saw through my lie. "I just...I miss him, you know? And I'm just tired of losing people...what I'm trying to say is I don't want to lose you. Promise me, no matter what, I won't lose you." I said, I no longer lied. I didn't want to lose him, every relationship, be it family, friend or lover, had its arguments and low points. I wasn't letting this one ruin everything. "I promise. Come here." He opened his arms, and I hugged him, just cherishing the moment with him. I had a plan, and I knew it would end with me leaving on another mission. "I'm going to go see if anyone needs help around here, maybe go check in on Cassidy after yesterday." I informed, turning away and going back down the steps.
"Wait, Jordan!" I turned, a flicker of hope shining through as I prayed for him to tell the truth, but instead he gave another order. "Stay away from the moat, yeah? There was a break in the other day, and I don't want to risk it." Murphy called, and I knew that was exactly where he had sent 10k.
"Okay, dad!" I shouted back, making my way outside.

I turned to the left, ducking behind the van and scoping the zombie moat. Nothing. I made my way across the yard, spotting Wesson and jogging over. "Hey Wess, what's the latest?" I asked, nudging his arm. He jumped, but quickly replied.
"Nothing new, just fixing up the fence. Hey, aren't you supposed to be checking on Cassidy, or something?" He asked. I was going to ask how he knew, but a quick glance at the second floor window told me everything, it was Murphy, not Wesson. "Yeah, I'll see you later." I mumbled, walking away. As soon as I was out of sight, I ducked behind the nearby tent, watching the fence where Wesson stood. Soon enough, he brought 10k back out and led him inside.

"Hold on, Tommy, I'm coming." I whispered, making my way behind them, all the while keeping far enough behind so that they didn't see me. Wesson took him to the door, at the far end of the corridor, before disappearing inside. I took this as my chance, I rushed over and crouched behind the old, ruined armchair. Within a minute, Wesson had reappeared and walked away. "Good boy." I muttered, crouching over to the door and entering. It led to the basement.

"10k? Are you in here? Tommy?" I whispered, going down the steps. I got no reply, but when I turned the corner time stopped. He was hunched over on the floor, his shoes were gone as were his bandana and goggles. "What did he do to you?" I cried, rushing over and crouching beside him. "10k, look at me. Please, you're okay. Tell me you're okay." I begged, placing my hand under his chin, and lifting his head. Upon seeing me, he broke, and he rarely, if ever, broke. He sobbed, without saying a word. So I pulled him towards me and let him cry into my chest, running my hands through his spiky hair. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm here, I'm here." I whispered, kissing his head and holding back my own tears. This was too far.

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