Still Human

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Season 5- Episode 13

"How's everyone doing?" I looked back at the talkers, shaking my head in response to the question.
"Well isn't that just great," Murphy rolled his eyes, "will you guys relax? Sit. Stay. Stay."
"They're not dogs Murphy." I chimed.
"Yeah, tell them that. Seriously, I don't know how much longer we can keep them hidden. How much lithium you got left?" He looked at Addy.
"Not a lot. Flakes. Hopefully we're not waiting much longer."
"Something's coming." Murphy ducked, but I followed his gaze, shaking my head in amusement.
"Everybody get ready. Here they come. Jordan!" He tapped my arm.
"Chill out." I laughed, folding my arms as I looked at the trees ahead.
"Oh. It's just a rando." Murphy slowly stood up.
"Looks old school."
"Alright, I'll take care of this, you want in?" Addy looked at me.
"All you," I smiled, watching as she began to swing her bat, walking towards the Z.
"You guys, just cool your jets, will ya?" Murphy raised his hands to the talkers.
"Really?" I gave him a disapproving look.
"You got any other ideas?" He raised an eyebrow and I sighed.
"Nope, all you." The talkers grew even more riled up as the Z turned back on Addy, she way toying with it, I recognised the move. "Addy, wait!" Murphy's shout was discarded as she split the head of the Z open.

"Come and get it. You guys hungry?" Addy smirked at me, and I nodded my approval, overriding Murphy's control on the talkers and allowing them to tear into the fresh brain. "Well, that ought to hold them for a while." I shrugged at the comment, as Addy rejoined us.
"Nice one, how many was that?"
"Three." She twisted the Zwhacker in her hand.
"Still haven't beat seven." I teased.
"You literally have enhanced stamina, and agility." Addy folded her arms.
"Are you two done?"
"Are you two done?" I mocked Murphy, causing Addy to let out a small laugh.
"Oh, you think you're funny, huh? Whatever." He waved a hand, dismissing it whilst I rolled my eyes at his dramatics, the Talkers rejoining us.

"Now that that's over, everybody, look alive." Addy spoke to them first.
"Just remember, you're not just dead. You're dead citizens." Murphy added.
"They're ready, Murphy." Addy nodded.
"I don't like all of this waiting. We're like sitting ducks out here."
"Okay, don't go being yourself. Just stick to the plan." Addy whispered.
"Sweetie, we did not last this long by sticking to the plan." Murphy lightly hit her shoulder, before walking away.
"Did he just call you sweetie?" I raised an eyebrow, watching him walk away as I spoke to Addy.
"He did." She shook her head. That's when I heard it, a howl that was inaudible to everyone else, but I heard her. "What is it?" Addy gave me a worried look.
"It's time. They've found Doc." I informed.
"You heard the lady, let's move."

And we did, moving at speed until we reached Altura.

"Gate three to Estes. Over." We watched the poor guy as he spoke into the radio.
"This is Estes. Go ahead, gate three."
"You better get down here, sir. I think you need to see this." He placed the radio back to his pocket, eyes never leaving us, "Umm, state your business."
"Yeah. We're here to vote." Addy responded with a fake smile.
"You'll need two forms of I.D." Estes was here.
"And a pulse." Pandora added as they stopped on the other side of the gate.
"I'm not seeing many likely voters here," Estes' gaze fell onto Murphy and I, "I'm not even sure you'd qualify." The crowd grew agitated at his words, and Estes' eyes darted around.
"What's the matter, Estes? Hard to mass mercy when they can still talk?" Murphy smirked.
"The militia will be back soon."

"We both know that's not true!" George, Red and Warren walked over, pushing three soldiers to their knees at gunpoint. "Your militia aren't coming back."
"At least not as humans." Red added.
"This cycle of death can end now." George wasn't asking, she was a leader, and we all knew nothing would stop her protecting her people. "You say that like it's a good thing." Pandora commented.
"It's over, Estes. The people have already opened the other gates and let the Talkers in.
All they want to do is be with their loved ones." Warren spoke up.
"You have no idea what you're doing." Estes remained indifferent.
"Shut up."      "Gun!"

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