Day One

1K 31 2

Season 2 - Episode 14

I sighed as I stood beside Warren next to a pile of rubble, the others were attempting to fix our last El Camino, but it didn't look good. Warren tapped my shoulder, and I turned, following her over to the group. "Adios El Camino." Doc sighed, slamming the hood down.
"El Camino." I giggled as I heard 10k putting on that voice again.
"You know I love that you're a glass half full kind of guy." Addy stated to Doc.
"Especially when there's no glass." I rolled my eyes at Murphy who lay back on a rock.
"I guess we're on foot. Grab what you can. Let's hit it." We all started to move, except for Murphy, Warren turned to him as she walked. "Come on princess, let's go." She said clapping her hands. He groaned, trudging after us as he swung his water over his shoulder.

We kept walking through the junk pile, it was mainly old building parts, but there was the odd car here and there. "How much further to this supposed rendezvous?" Murphy questioned, although he might as well have just complained.
"A days walks. Maybe two." Addy replied, annoyed.
"Everything looks the same." Murphy said back.
"Yeah. Well four years of zombie apocalypse and a nuke will do that." Doc reminded as I linked my arm in 10k's.
"Nothing but rubble and dust. Must have been a hell of a fight." Vasquez stated, looking back.
"Makes you wonder what's left that's worth saving." Murphy said, Warren stopped slightly, "how did it come to this?" She sighed.

As we continued to walk we noticed she still hadn't moved. Murphy turned, "hey, princess. Keep it moving!" He mocked, clapping his hands as she had to him earlier. She did, following us all up to rocks. "Race you to the top?" I asked 10k, he smirked.
"It's on." With that we both took to scrambling up the rubble as fast as possible, ignoring the others who told us to go easy. After all, we're what, 18? Teenagers never listen. I threw my hands up as I reached the top, a mere footstep ahead of 10k, who sighed in defeat. "I was right behind you, how the hell'd you beat me?" He questioned as we all took a break, Addy sitting to check where we were. "I'm just that good, Sniper Boy." We laughed and he kissed my head, turning our attention to Addy as she spoke up.

"It can't be." She mumbled.
"So, where the hell are we?" Murphy asked. She looked at the screen before putting her hand down and looking up, "Disneyland."
"What?" Warren questioned in disbelief.
"Uh huh." Addy confirmed. "Hard to tell for sure but I think 'it's a small world' would have been...right over there." She pointed ahead of us. Vasquez looked back at us, "sorry kids," he spoke, before turning back. 
"You ever been to Disneyland?" I asked 10k, he shook his head, "me neither. I've only seen one Disney film in my whole life anyway," I admitted. The whole group stared at me, "seriously! Which one?" Doc asked, I thought for a moment.
"Okay. If we ever make it out of this apocalypse then I'm getting all of the Disney films and forcing you to watch them." Murphy stated, as Warren stood back up.
"Break time's over." She said, and we all continued on our way.

We had to walk around every kind of rubble, old ride name lights, parts of rides, just normal bricks, you name it, we saw it. I rolled my eyes as we all went down some steps and Murphy walked to the ones at the side instead. "What's the actual point?" I asked, he looked over at me.
"Why not?" Was all he replied.
"It's going to be night soon, we need to find somewhere to camp out." Vasquez spoke up as the sun began to set.
"Alright, everyone pair up and look around." Warren ordered and we did, Addy decided to go off on her own as we all split. Murphy with Doc, Warren with Vasquez and of course me with 10k.

"This is depressing." I sighed as we walked through the remains of Disney.
"Yeah, maybe after this we'll be able to find someone who can rebuild all this, then we can come here for real..." 10k trailed off as we spotted a Z. I turned away covering my ears, muffling the gunshot. Then he placed his hand on my shoulder, pointing up to a half standing building where a light was being flashed. "Let's go." We both started to run as darkness fell, and the sun vanished.

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