We Were Nowhere Near The Grand Canyon

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Season 2- Episode 10

I woke up, letting out a scream, I could feel so many of them. "Hey, hey it's okay." Murphy said, running a hand through my hair. We were sharing the top bunk, well I went to sleep and he probably insisted on lying there to stop me rolling off. "Can you feel them?" I asked.
"Slightly, but we can all see them." He replied, opening the blind on the window. This was worse than the Zunami. I jumped down from the bed, picking up the water bottle and taking a small sip. Warren looked through a scope, "that's not a Zunami. That's the end of the world." Then the RV stopped. Warren was the first out, with Vasquez.
"Morning Shortie." 10k smiled, taking my hand as we followed them out.

"Those ATVs gonna run?" Warren asked Vasquez, who was topping the fuel. He nodded, and Murphy walked forwards. "This one's got my name all over it." He stated, climbing onto it.
"No way in hell I'm letting you out of my sight." Vasquez stated, getting on the second.
"Okay, so there's only room for two more." Warren said, "somebody's got to hightail it."
"Jordan, get over here." Murphy ordered, I looked at Addy.
"Dad, Addy's going with you. I'll be fine." I replied.
"No! If you're not sitting there, you will sit infront of me." Murphy argued, his mind was set.
"Me and Doc can make our way to higher ground on foot." 10k stated.
"But just don't forget to come back and get us when that mega super horde passes." Doc added.
"Got it." Warren smiled, shaking their hands. Addy hugged them and I walked over.
"Two seconds dad, please." I begged whilst hugging Doc.
"I'll be fine, I promise you." 10k whispered as I moved onto him.
"There's so many of them 10k, so many." I cried, he nodded.
"I know, which is why you need to go with Murphy. You need him more than me right now." He pushed me back, holding me at arms reach. "I love you." He said, I smiled.
"I love you too, Tommy." With that we kissed and were off. I was sat in the front, Murphy's arms stretched around me on the handles.

We drove through the grass, towards a large building, however once near a gunshot fired off and we froze, placing our arms up. "Hold it right there! This is tribal land! No visitors allowed!" A man shouted at us.
"Our vehicle broke down a ways back. We were hoping for a little shelter from the horde of zombies that's coming." Vasquez informed.
"Can't help you. You got to turn around. Go back the way you came!"
"Yá'át'ééh. Yá'át'ééh" Warren said stepping forwards, and pulling out her scope. "Listen sir. I know we're outsiders and you have no reason to believe or trust us. But you can believe your own eyes." She handed the man the scope. "Believe me. It's already over the horizon. You have a few hours or less." The man looked through it, before his face turned to worry. "Come with me." Warren waved us in and we all climbed off, following them inside. Murphy, stuck near me the whole time.

We were led into, what looked like, an old casino. "Welcome to Northem Quest Casino Resort. My name is Chief Danny Fire Cloud." Danny said.
"Danny? What the hell kind of Indian name is Danny?" Murphy questioned, true, it was strange.
"It's the name on my birth certificate. What's yours?" Danny asked.
"Smith. John Smith." Murphy replied.
"I'm guessing she's your daughter?"
"Yeah. Mia Smith." I said to him.
"What's wrong with your colour?" He questioned us.
"Nothing. What's wrong with your colour, Chief?" Murphy snapped, holding a hand infront of me.

"Excuse me, Chief Fire Cloud? Thank you for hearing us out. We actually came here to warn you. That's not just some dust storm out there. This is a solid wall of zombies headed this way." Warren cut into the argument.
"We've dealt with hordes before." Danny replied.
"I wouldn't be so sure. We've been in contact with Citizen Z. And according to him, this horde is miles deep, and it's gonna destroy everything in its path." Warren warned. He seemed unfazed.
"Our defences will protect us." Danny stated.
"Listen." As Warren spoke I felt them again, nearing every second.

"Come here, let's just play some games." Murphy whispered, leading me away to a table.
"I've never been to a casino." I told him, he just shrugged and picked up the dice, rolling them. "Snake eyes." He celebrated.
"I have no clue what that means." I reminded, laughing at his happy face. I looked up as Addy left, probably to get a radio of some kind working, whilst Warren and Vasquez disappeared downstairs. Then my eyes landed on something I did recognise, "how'd you fancy a game of table tennis?" I asked, holding the bats and smiling at Murphy.
"Oh, I'm the king at this, kid. Bring. It. On." He took a bat and served, for ages we just rallied, scoring the odd point now and again, just killing time and waiting for Warren to reappear, which she eventually did. "No way! I lost to a kid." Murphy groaned as I smiled triumphantly. Then we joined the others.

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