Duel Part. 2

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We were driving along quietly, when Lucy started to shuffle uncomfortably, groaning in pain. "Hey!" She spoke up, The Man turned, still in silence, before returning to driving. "Hey! I hurt!" She shouted again, and I turned to her.
"Lucy, talk to me. What's going on?" I asked, ignoring The Man's previous instructions of keeping quiet. I had to get out of this tape. "I said hey!"
"Lucy don.." Too late, she had already hit him on the head. The car screeched as The Man slammed down the breaks, turning to us. "Did you just hit me, little girl?" He questioned, but I could see Lucy hurting. She was growing again. "Lucy, listen to me. Calm down." I raised my hands above my head, before twisting and bringing them down hard to snap the tape. The Man glared, but it was too late as Lucy broke free, now only looking a few years younger than me, about 14.

A small silence grew, and I shared an awkward look with The Man as Lucy climbed through the seats to sit beside him. She stared at him, and he slowly looked at her. "What?!" He questioned, she started to tremble. "Great. I have two teenagers now." He complained, Lucy started to cry, before getting out. "I'm on it, stay here or I'm tying you both back up." The Man hissed, before following her out. I watched through the window as Lucy argued something about needing chocolate. When he gave in, she jumped on his back to get a free lift back over.

"Change of plans, Jordan. We have to go get your sister here some chocolate." The Man complained, starting the car again and speeding off. Because of his fast and reckless speed, we quickly pulled up to a building. The 'index general store' "Come on, hurry up." Lucy grumbled, dragging us both inside.
"May I remind you that I'm the older sibling here." I pointed out, she let go as we walked inside. The Man started to scavenge, Lucy sat on an old ice cream storage unit, and I leant against the wall watching her. She was only a year old, and yet just five years younger than me. My baby sister would soon be the same age as me, and it was a scary thought.

"Did you find it yet?" Lucy questioned, leaning back.
"Not yet." He responded, getting a roll of the eyes from my sister.
"But I need chocolate. Why can't you find it? What's wrong with you?" Lucy questioned, making me laugh slightly.
"It's the apocalypse, sweetheart." The Man responded.
"But I need it." She continued to complain.
"Not to repeat The Man over there, but it's the apocalypse LuLu, we don't just find treats laying around." I spoke up, nodding at the zombie that walked by.
"It's not a treat, it's a medicine. Addy said." Lucy reminded, before looking over at The Man.
"She's got a point, chocolate fixes pretty much everything," I added on, just to be that bit more annoying.
"Addy said. If you two want to stay alive, you'll do what I say. And I say keep those zombies back if you want me to find you that chocolate." He argued, standing up and searching another shelf.

I then had a thought. "Why? You're afraid of them?" I mocked with a smirk, getting a chuckle in response. Lucy looked at me, then back to him, before laughing. "You're afraid of them. You are. Big strong man like you, afraid of some little bitty zombies." Lucy turned back around, looking at each Z. "Peter. Alex. Jamie. Natalie. You afraid of them?" She teased again, but this time he ignored her.

Silence fell, and I took to swivelling my reclaimed knife around in my hands, almost dropping it when Lucy jumped forwards with a loud scream. "What happened!?" I questioned, rushing to her and placing a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm bleeding!"
"Lucy!" The Man made his way over, but a zombie stood in his way.
"I'm dying! Help me! I'm dying!" She continued to panic. I sheathed my knife, putting both hands on her shoulders to keep her still. "Calm down! You're okay!" I shook her, but she looked down.
"Look! There's blood everywhere!"
"Enough screaming, Lucy! Listen to me right now, you're not dying!" She calmed down slightly, looking up at me.
"Then what's happening?"
"You're growing up, alright? It's a part of life, it happens to me too, and your Aunt Addy." I reassured her, getting a thanking look from The Man.

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