They'd be Proud

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A/N- I apologise for the lack of update last week, I was visiting family 🙃

We were driving along an old road, just past a small town we had stayed in. It was early morning, last night was quiet, and Zona were still a good distance away. We hadn't seen them for a couple of days, and we were pretty sure they'd been stalled by a large hoard of zombies that had followed us a few days back. "Hey, how are you holding up back there, LuLu?" I asked, looking in the mirror, getting a shrug in return. Addy took one hand off of the wheel, rubbing my arm in comfort, I placed my hand over it, giving a light squeeze to signal to her that I was doing okay.

I sighed, wishing I could take everything back for Lucy, give her the childhood she deserved. It had been a year since we'd lost our dad, and I had managed to keep a brave face on whenever I was in front of her. Then, when night fell, and I was alone with my thoughts, everything took me back to that moment. Watching 2 of the most amazing people I had ever known get shot, then a kid dying for me, and on top of it all, never knowing what happened to 10k. Everything brought me to tears, that was until Addy would join me and wrap her arm around me. She kept me strong, even through the day, she helped me to hide it all from my little sister who looked up to me so much, even though she looked a couple of years older.

"Hey, Jordan, you alright?" Addy spoke up, snapping me from my thoughts. I looked across at her, finding she'd pulled over. When I looked at how much fuel we had left, I discovered why; it was empty. "What? Yeah, I'm fine...just usual apocalypse thoughts I guess." I formed a smile, jumping slightly as Lucy's head appeared between the seats.
"Okay, I have a thought. Just because I'm actually like...two years old, why do I have to sit in the back? I look older." She complained, only getting laughs from the two of us in the front.
"Oh, but you're not. Jordan's the oldest, and you're gonna have to live with that." Addy teased, I turned around, prodding Lucy in the side and causing her to fall back into her seat. "Trust me, I know all the tricks." I laughed.
"Whatever." Addy and I laughed again, before getting out of the car and looking around.

"Well, where to now?" I asked, finding nothing but grass for miles. It reminded me of the roads we used to drive along a few years ago, when DXD had just formed. Back when Murphy was nothing but a man who had shared my experiences of zombie bites, along with the trauma they carried. "I say we go across that field, and hope to find some form of shelter." Addy plotted, I nodded in agreement. Lucy walked ahead, instantly snapping a tall blade of grass and beginning to peel the thin layers. "She may look twenty odd, but she is definitely a kid. Gotta admit, we've all done that." I pointed out, nudging Addy.
"Yeah, and don't forget the attempted daisy chains."
"Oh no, I tried them once, and never again." I replied, before we sped up to join Lucy.

"Guys, grass, and plants, they're living things. How come when they die, they don't turn?" Lucy suddenly asked, turning to each of us, waiting for an answer.
"Interesting question, Lucy...Addy?" I gestured for her to answer, only getting the single eye roll.
"You know what, I can't answer that. Jordan, have a go." I glared at her, I had yet to beat Addy at talking my way out of things.
"Well, probably something to do with the fact that animals, and humans have...brains, and they can actually bite." I answered, pretty confident that I was on the right track.
"Okay." Was all Lucy replied, then we burst out laughing, the three of us knowing that I just said the first thing in mind.

"Alright, on a serious note, going off road should make Zona's job harder." Addy stated. Lucy shrugged, clearly unfazed by the threat.
"I don't know, are they even still coming. We haven't seen or heard from them in a few days now."
"Exactly why we need to be on guard, they've been too quiet." I spoke up, unable to help myself as I did a quick scout of our surroundings. "Hey, what's that?" Lucy pointed to the distance, where a large, brick building stood.
"Some kind of factory?" I responded, squinting to attempt to get a better look.
"Let's check it out." Addy walked on, we followed her lead. Addy had grown so much in the last year, and it made me smile, I hoped that I could be just like her when I managed to get over the past. She hurt, but she left the past just as it is...the past.

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