The Unknowns Part. 2

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When we woke up, we were in a cage, the whole group plus a couple of strangers, one of which stood with his mouth open as he held a tube. A few zombies wandered around us, and Sarge lay passed out on the floor. "It's locked." 10k said as he shook the gate.
"Everybody ok?" Warren asked, looking around at us.
"The sergeant isn't waking up." Lucy replied, lightly hitting her cheek in attempt to wake her.
"She'll come around, just raise her head, shake her a little bit." Doc told her, so Lucy placed Sarge's head on her lap.
"What kind of fresh hell is this?" Murphy questioned, looking at us.
"Feedin time." The first stranger informed.
"Great, I'm starving." Murphy nodded, "what's on the menu?"

When he said this, a buzz was heard, and the tube coming in from the top of the cage began to rattle. Then out poured small, round bits of food, which the man at the end happily crunched. "What is that?" Murphy questioned, a disgusted look on his face. Doc took a few and placed them in his mouth, "dog food." He replied.
"I love dog food." 10k's eyes widened as he hurried to pick up the food. Lucy looked over at me, eyebrow raised. "What?" I asked.
"You judged me for flirting with a zombie, yet you love him." She pointed at 10k, who was frantically eating up the dog food, and I looked away. Despite our unbreakable closeness, we still hadn't officially gotten back together, and she had just completely outed that I hadn't stopped loving him at all. The group went quiet, and 10k smirked at me, giving me a small wink, probably just to piss Murphy off even further.

"It's good, not even stale." Doc broke the awkward a silence, saving me from Murphy's annoyed gaze. "Hint of chicken. Subtle notes of corn. And fortified." Doc paused to nod, "that's puppy chow." He confirmed.
"Puppy chow's my stuff, man." 10k celebrated, taking another handful.
"I'm beginning to see your point, Lucy." I admitted, turning back to her.
"Does this mean I win?" Murphy spoke up, I glared at him. "No? Okay. Just thought I'd ask." He said, throwing his hands up in defence.
"Hey pal, why are they just milling around like that?" Warren asked one of our new companions.
"They keep them well fed. But..step out of the cage, and they'll attack." He replied.
"What do they feed them?"
"Not dog food." Was the reply.

"The Sarge is waking up!" Lucy diverted our attention, and we turned as she shot up.
"Where am I?" She questioned.
"Easy. Still the apocalypse." Warren replied.
"Oh." She sighed.
"And we saved you some puppy chow." 10k grinned, obviously happy with his new eating conditions.
"Bird. Bird! Bird! I saw a bird!" Sarge suddenly shouted, lifting up a dead bird. "It was alive when I got it." She assured, realising her winged friend was no longer with us.
"Let me see that bird." Murphy snapped, taking it off of her and turning away. Warren turned to us, "wait. If a bird can get in, then there must be a way out of here."
"I saw sunlight." Sarge nodded.
"Murphy?" Doc spoke up, he turned, humming.  "Did you eat the bird?" Doc asked him. Murphy coughed out a couple of feathers, shaking his head, "no." In response Doc shook his head in disbelief.

"Ugh, never mind that. Look, she saw daylight, which means we have a chance. You think you could find your way back there again?" Sarge looked around her, shrugging.
"If I had a map." We all looked at one another, before piling any chow we could into the middle of the cage. Within minutes we had a full map, ready to find our exit as soon as possible. Lucy and I were on zombie duty, after we found a way out of the cage. "All right. You all know what to do, memorise this map and find your way to the rendezvous point." Warren instructed. Before any of us could respond, the familiar screeching returned, and so did the familiar fall and darkness.

When I woke up once again, I found out that I was with Lucy, making me sigh in relief. "Okay, we need to get out of here." I spoke up, looking down.
"Grab that crowbar." She did as I said, following me down the corridor.
"I hear Carson, he's looking for me." I looked back at Lucy, she was actually falling for a Z.
"Okay, does he know the way out?" I asked her.
"Yeah." She smiled, leading me onwards. I followed her through the corridor, and as we reached a door I grabbed her hand. "Crowbar, now. I don't know what's gonna be behind here, other than zombies." I warned, before slowly opening the door. We were back in the crate room, "oh, this should make our life easier." I smiled, looking up and down the corridor.
"Carson!" Lucy squealed, and I watched as she ran over and hugged him.
"Okay, less hugging, more walking." I looked around at the Zs, "give us some cover? Please." I requested, watching as they formed a wall around us, blending us into the undead, hiding us from potential watching eyes. Then the noise sounded again. "Cover us!" Lucy screamed as we fell, and I let my eyes close as the Zs hid us, gathering in a large group.

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