Fracking Zombies

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Season 1 - Episode 2

We stopped and I looked around, the place was surrounded by zombies. "Fracking zombies." I heard 10k mumble beside me.
"Fracking zombies indeed," I repeated as we all climbed down. The zombies were all being attracted to a noise at the top of the factory. I walked over and stopped beside Murphy who stayed standing on the car, leaning on the door. There was something off about him, something I had never felt before, some kind of connection.

"They seem to want something in there real bad." Garnett stated.
"It's that sound, like bees to honey," Cassandra informed.
"Or like Zs to shit." Murphy compared making me laugh, obviously I was the only other person who found it slightly amusing. "Hey, you know about this?" Warren questioned the unnamed guy.
"Hey, all the easy gas is gone," he replied and I rolled my eyes. We're all gonna die here. "So what's the brilliant plan? Die, get eaten, go home early?" I asked not having any confidence in the group whatsoever.
"What's that smell?" Addy questioned, ignoring me as her and Mack looked around.
"The undead and gasoline." Garnett replied, "both highly flammable so no firearms of any kind." Everyone holstered their guns and I left my knife sheathed.
"So how do you want to handle this?" Warren asked, here we go, the brilliant, not going to get anyone killed at all, plan.

"Well first we got to shut off whatever's making that noise." He started.
"Okay that's probably some kind of pump, but where?" Warren asked only getting a shrug of a reply.
"Follow the zombies, they all seem to be headed for the top of that catwalk." Mack pointed out, and sure enough they were.
"We'll get up there and check it out." Addy volunteered.
"Then we gotta have a sound that draws the Zs away from that pump so we can get to the gas." Garnett continued the plan.
"Sorry I left my guitar back at Camp Blue Sky." Doc said, whilst I leant on the car just in front of Murphy. "Car horns?" Addy suggested.
"No, they'll all just head this way." Mack responded as he grabbed a shovel.
"Yeah, and so will every other dead within earshot," Warren added. Cassandra pulled something out from her bag.
"Zs like high pitched sounds. The more musical the better." She wound up the small box and it started to play, causing all the zombies to head our way, then she stopped it and they turned back around. "Wow, learn something everyday." Warren stated clearly surprised.
"That's great, you're our decoy." Garnett told her and the other guy instantly chipped in.
"I'll go with her."
"I don't need his help." Cassandra argued.
"No you need cover. Take him. And start the music when you get to the top of that catwalk." Garnett turned to Addy and Mack, "you two get to the top of the other side and see if you can kill that noise."
"Got it." Mack nodded as they took off.
"Where'd that kid go?" Garnett asked and I looked around, sure enough 10k was gone. "He was here a minute ago, oh and his name is 10 thousand." Doc stated, was I really the only other one who knew? "Well he better be back by the time we're ready to go."

Garnett then spoke to Warren about the tanker in the distance and I turned to Murphy, rolling my eyes to which he returned. "So what should I be doing while you all are getting incinerated to death?" He asked and I had to hold in my laughter as they all glared.
"Alright why don't you take Miss and Mr.Congeniality here and the suburban and get back to a safe distance, just in case." Garnett said to Doc.
"What know...zombies?" He asked.
"If this all ends in tears, you and the girl got to get him to California." Garnett told him.
"Sure, no problem." Doc replied.
"Hey Garnett! Have a safe trip to hell!" I called after him and Murphy snickered moving to let me in the back of the car with him.

"So what's your deal Jordan, how old are you anyway?" Murphy asked as we sat leaning against opposite windows.
"17, I've been alone through all of this, but well...." I sighed and my eyes drifted onto my hand as I pulled down my sleeve even more.
"Your finger?" Murphy questioned.
"Lost it, but what about you, any stories to tell?" He shook his head and the car slowed down as we got far away. Doc pulled out some cards and I shook my head, "you two go ahead."
"Alright." Doc dealt the cards as I watched them play.

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