Always Got Your Back

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As I was falling, I made myself more streamline, grabbing hold of Lucy, as we plummeted towards the floor. That's when a large murder of crows surrounded us, causing the world to go dark. When the light shone on us again, I saw no 5k falling after us, and I knew what had happened, bringing a tear to my eye. "Addy!" I instantly turned the sound of Lucy's scream. Addy was laying on the ground, struggling for breath, a few meteres away, the crows moved towards The Man's corpse.

We both rushed over, kneeling down beside her. She tried to get up, but I gently pushed her back down and shook my head. "Don't, just relax." I whispered, holding her hand. She squeezed it and looked between us, " other." She wheezed, Lucy looked up at me as tears fell.
"Don't talk like that, Addy. Please, I can't do it alone. We need you, I need you." I leant over her, moving a stray hand of hair from her face. She smiled, then I looked at Lucy, who had lifted her right hand up. "Lucy." I said her name, but it was too late as she bit into Addy's hand, ageing up in the process. I stared slightly, she was officially looking 20, a year older than me.

We watched Addy, now filled with hope as she slowly got her breath back. "Addy?" Lucy was the first to speak, as we helped her sit up.
"I've said it once, and now I'll say it again, damn girl, we gotta take you shopping." We both laughed, wrapping our arms around each other, before standing up and watching as the Zona ship flew away. However, a few soldiers came scrambling down the mountain, Addy and I looked at each other. "Let's run." She said, pushing Lucy forwards and causing us to go. On our way, I spotted a stray Z, inside its back was none other than the Z-whacker. I whistled, bringing it over, before grabbing the weapon, and turning, ripping it clean out of the flesh. Then, I tossed it over to Addy, who grinned as we ran from Zona. I was happy to be free with her again, but one thing stuck in the front of my mind, and it would never leave. Murphy, my dad, was gone. The second thing on my mind, I was not only running from Zona, but away from 10k, who knew when we'd see each other again?

"Jordan, you're trailing!" Addy warned, glancing back at me. I rolled my eyes.
"You know I could speed away if I wanted, don't worry about me." She turned away again, knowing fine well that I was speaking the truth.
"Car!" Lucy diverted our attention, and so we ran towards it, instantly getting in.
"Lucy, stay down. We don't know how armed they may be!" I said as Addy looked at me, smirking as the engine roared to life and she took us away from our attackers.

It took a while, but eventually we felt we were far enough away, and pulled up near an old shop, just as we had a few day ago when we were running from The Man. Once inside, Lucy set to picking up clothes and then headed to the changing room to try them on. I sighed, sitting on the old chairs, and thinking about the people we'd left behind. "He's okay, they all will be." Addy spoke up.
"Not our dad, or Warren." I replied, speaking quieter as to not further upset Lucy. She may not show it now, but inside she was hurting, we both were. "Mmm, but Doc, 10k, Red, Sun Mei, they'll make it through. Why would Zona kill them? They've no need, and I promise you, as soon as we get them off our backs', we will find them again." She said, now sitting right beside me and pulling me close.
"You know, as much as you're an Aunt to Lucy, you've always been my best friend." I said to her, looking up with a smile.
"Like you said to me, it's the apocalypse. Nothing's weird anymore."

Our conversation was cut short by Lucy reappearing and launching her old pink jacket at me. "Try it on, please." She begged, now showing off her own new jacket. It was black with shoulder pads and pink spikes. "It's really not my colour..." Lucy fluttered her eyes, clasping her hands together and giving me a pleading look, "pretty pretty pleeaaasseeeeeee." I glared at her, before sighing and giving into the look.
"Oh, fine." I slipped it on, just as it had fit her, it fit me.
"I can't believe that worked, I've never heard the word please dragged out so much." Lucy and I turned to Addy in surprise.
"Addy, we weren't talking out loud." I informed, her eyes widened, well, her un-damaged eye.
"What do you mean?" She questioned, "that's not funny." I looked over at Lucy in confusion, and she pointed to her hand, causing me to look at the bite on Addy's again. "The bite. Addy, when Lucy saved you, it must have made you a different sort of blend. One that's more alive? But who can speak with us." I suggested, not fully understanding myself. At least it made some sense though.
"Okayyy then, I mean I don't feel much different, like you said, I feel alive. Also, why didn't you tell me how cool it was to talk in your minds?" I laughed, pushing her lightly back towards the exit. That's when trouble hit.

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