Corporate Retreat Part.2

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"I didn't do this." He said, shaking his head.
"Where were you when the shot was fired? Did anyone see you?" Gideon questioned.
"I didn't steal that food!" He cried out again.
"Wouldn't be the first time." Meg spoke up.
"That was a few candy bars more than a year ago. And I've been on lowered rations since."
"You sure don't look like you've been on 900 calories a day."
"What are you talking about?"
"Iggy." Gideon did the quiet thing again, and he fell silent, "Iggy. Ignatius. We've had these issues with you before. You're the only one with a key. And you've made it clear for a long time that you wanted to leave."
"I wanted all of us to leave! This place is a death trap! " Iggy shouted at us all.
"Iggy." He tried to leave, but me and Warren blocked his path. "Brother, if you want people to start believing what you say, you got to start telling the truth. The truth!" Gideon suddenly shouted, jabbing him with the stick, that was not the peaceful man. "I am telling the truth, you bastard!" Iggy shouted, before launching himself at Gideon. The others pulled him off as he cried. "Don't do this. Please."
"Washington. Secure the food in the kitchen and keep it under guard. You made your decision for us, Iggy. " Gideon stated. Iggy continued to cry as we walked to the entrance.

"We can not tolerate any violence." Gideon spoke, ironic.
"What makes you so sure he's the guilty one? Where's your proof?" Vasquez asked.
"He knew the consequences."
"Look. If you send him out there now, that's a death sentence. He'll be killed and turned for sure." Warren informed, trying to stop him.
"Oh, okay. Anything else you want to say before you leave?" Gideon snapped.
"Bite me!" Iggy shouted before being pushed out.
"At least give him a weapon!" Warren screamed.
"Wait. You shouldn't have done what you did Iggy, take this." Washington gave him a mallet and he pleaded for help as the doors closed. He cried on the other side and some of us left, only me, Addy, 10k, Vasquez, Dana and Warren remained. I walked up to the door, something was off. Maybe this guy didn't do it after all, I started to think it might actually have been Gideon with his anger issues. But I had to make sure if it was Iggy, he wasn't coming back. "Jordan, you coming?" 10k asked, turning as he left. I looked up, and he shook his head. "I know what you're thinking, don't do it." But I didn't listen. "Kill him."
"Jordan, no!" 10k shouted running to me, but he was too late. "Turn him into one of us." Then screams were heard. "Dammit. Come on." He sighed, taking my hand and leading me back to the others.

As we got there I felt him, still trapped in the canyon, feeling every death like his own. I ran to the bar, "dad. Come on." I whispered, placing my head on his. Doc jumped beside me as a zombie came crashing into the boarded window. "Jordan, he'll be okay. I'm sure of it. But could you get them to stop doing that? It's creeping me the hell out." He requested, but I shook my head.
"They're coming to help him, he's calling them. I feel it. And until I know for sure it was Iggy, which I don't trust..." I stopped talking as I felt the other guy, a very weak connection, but it was still there. "Doc, what're you doing with him?" I asked, he gave me the 'I'm innocent' look. "I can feel it, you've been giving him my Dad's blood haven't you?"
"Maybe. But look, he's healing. You mind if I do a bit more?" I shrugged.
"As long as it doesn't hurt him anymore than he already..." I paused, they were inside. "What?" Doc asked, seeing my look.
"Zombies." As I said this, shots were fired above us and we ducked over the bar.

Then we heard footsteps as the person ran. The others suddenly ran in. "Guys, what happened?" Warren asked.
"Some zombie loving bastard took shots at us!" Doc replied.
"Did you see who it was?" Vasquez asked.
"No, but he went this way." I snapped, running off. 10k ran after and pulled me back, "let them take care of it. I think we're gonna need you here." He whispered, I nodded with a small sigh, before following him back. "10k, can you promise me something." I grabbed him to turn to me. "Never hurt Murphy on purpose, not unless he really deserves it."
"Promise me, please." I looked into his eyes, tears in my own, and he reluctantly nodded. "I promise."

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