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Season 1 - Episode 8

We had stopped walking in a town, everyone was exhausted, thirsty. All except for me and Murphy, the others lay tipping bottles, praying for drops of water. None came. "Why aren't they getting up? Come on." I said, dragging Murphy towards Warren.
"Water isn't going to find you just sitting there." Murphy stated as she stuck her tongue into a tipped container, which was also empty. "Why are you two so freaking chipper?" She asked, looking up at us, we were bursting with energy. I was just trying to forget the Zunami, which was inching closer every second, soon it would hit. "I've been wondering that myself. Maybe it's cuz we conserve our precious bodily fluids." Murphy replied, then a rumbling noise started and I walked over to 10k who lay, eyes closed, on the road. "What is that? Is it an earthquake?" He asked, sitting up slightly.
"More like a zombie quake." Doc said, and I turned.
"Shit! I thought they were further away." I cursed to Murphy, who looked scared shitless.
"Stop cursing Jordan." 10k groaned and I pulled at him to get up.
"I suggest we run for it." Murphy ran off, but instantly turned as Warren sat back down, "come on people! Pick it up!" He called jogging on the spot.
"Come on, you need to go." I said, still trying to haul 10k off the ground. "Murphy! They're too dehydrated. We need to find somewhere close by." I called to him.
"Alright, let's go." He responded.
"Run, I'll get your stuff." 10k nodded, running towards the group as we turned the corner and spotted a closed off building. "This way!" Warren shouted, running to the door. She pulled it open, "Wait!" A man called behind us and I pulled him inside before slamming the door.

"Everyone good?" I asked, handing 10k his rifle and backpack. I let him rest, joining Murphy instead, "can you feel them too?" I asked, running my hands over my arms.
"Yeah, there's far too many in one place. And I don't like it." He responded, I sighed looking at the group.
"We need to get them safe, and some supplies." I stated, they had truly started to give up. He turned around and I knew it was time for some good ol Murphy advice, crap, but Murphy had a way with words sometimes.

"So that's it? We're all just gonna lie down and die?" He shook Doc, and Warren spoke up from her slumped position on the desk.
"Knock it off Murphy." She grumbled.
"3 days without water, man. The human body hits the wall," Doc pointed out and Cassandra spoke up.
"There must be thousands of them." I focused on the Z's outside.
"Well, you're not wrong." I mumbled realising there were millions.
"Millions, migrating to the south for winter," Otis spoke up.
"Z's don't like the cold." 10k muttered from the floor, face down. Murphy asked him where they all came from, the explanation, millions in a refugee camp. "We shoulda kept running," Murphy said.
"You couldn't get around them?" Warren asked, sitting up.
"This herd is miles wide, I mean it's got a mind of its own. You can't move fast enough to to get around it, and every single thing it overruns just adds to its crowd. You know, fast zombies, healthy zombies, like the ones that just got my friend Buck." Otis replied, taking out this drink. The group stared, "hey man, you gonna share that with the class?" Doc asked.
"It ain't water," he responded.
"Pass it around whatever it is." Warren ordered.

Soon, the door started to rattle more, "we need to go!" I spoke, attempting to connect with the hoard but failing, they outnumbered me by far. "We need to find some place more secure." Warren stood and Murphy opened the back door. "What's in there?" Warren asked.
"The morgue." Murphy replied and I nodded, it was perfect.
"Let's go!" I shouted, pulling the group to their feet before running behind.
"Nu uh. No way, this place is a death trap." Otis protested. Then I felt them get closer, "shut the door!" I called, running forwards to listen with Murphy. The zombies bashed and bashed but they didn't get in, luckily. "I wonder where they're all going," Murphy said, looking out of the window in wonder.
"Nowhere. They're zombies." Otis replied, loading his gun.
"Be glad they don't have a leader," Murphy stated, and I shuddered at the thought of controlling that many, never had I done more than 10. "Now what?" I asked, sitting beside 10k and taking his hand.
"We wait them out." Warren replied.
"We can't just stand here and wait to die." Murphy repeated.

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