The Unknowns

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Season 4- Episode 5

"Why does the apocalypse always have to be so hot?" Murphy complained as we walked down a desert road.
"Yeah, I think they were right about global warming." Doc responded. We had been walking for what felt like years, and our water supply was running low. "If you're so hot just take of your jacket, dumbass." I mocked, pointing to my own jacket which I carried.
"Warren, you have any visions of cool mountain streams? Cause we need water." He ignored me, looking at our leader. She rolled her eyes, before handing him her supply, "have mine." She said, keeping her gaze on the road ahead where a large truck sat.

"What do you think?" Sarge asked.
"I think we should check it out." Warren replied. Lucy's head tilted a little as she looked over, "what's that truck doing there?"
"Waiting for us to steal it." Was Murphy's answer as he finished taking a long drink.
"Zona?" Doc suggested, I shrugged a response.
"It could be. Let's move in easy. Sarge and I will check it out. And Murphy's, you stay together." Warren planned, causing Murphy to swap sides and join the two of us.
"What's with the gear?" Sarge questioned.
"I dunno. Why don't we see if we can find somebody to ask." With that, Warren drew her gun, walking forwards with her shield in hand.

Seconds later she opened the door, weapon ready, before backing up. "Cabs clear. Nobody's home." She informed. Murphy took this opportunity to walk forwards with a grin, "finders keepers. I am tired of walking." He chimed.
"Now hold on. Don't you think it's a little odd that they'd leave this awesome truck right here in the middle of nowhere." Doc pointed out.
"I'm with Doc, Dad. Lucy, wait with me." I agreed, looking over at her. She nodded, hands on her hips, "not going anywhere."
"You know what else is odd? Everything that's happened to us over the last eight years." Murphy argued as Sarge looked back at Warren.
"Smells like a trap."
"Nah, that's just Murphy." 10k replied, giving me a knowing smirk as Murphy glared back at him. As much as I hated this little war they had, it was definitely amusing. "No, she's right. This isn't important. We should keep moving." Warren spoke up.

" least let's check this gear for water. Who you suppose left all this?" Doc asked us, walking forwards and searching the various kit.
"Yeah, and where are they now?" Warren added, leading us forwards.
"You don't think they're still alive back there do you?" Murphy questioned, pointing with his cane.
"I'll take the left." I said to Lucy, going to the other side and placing my hand on the metal.
"Any signs of life?" Warren asked us as I reached the back, walking around and meeting Lucy, shaking my head. "If they're still in there, they're not zombies." Lucy told her.
"Not exactly reassuring." Murphy complained.
"Not the worst either, could've been Mad Zs." I reminded as Lucy looked underneath.
"Yeah, looks like a truck." She shrugged.
"No shit." I teased, nudging her back towards the group as we laughed a little.

"We should go." Warren called, turning to leave.
"Well, wait, wait. I mean don't we want to look inside?" Murphy asked as we walked past. That's when the engine started right next to me and I let out a small scream, causing Lucy to burst into laughter. "Hold your fire. Don't. Hold your fire." Warren raised a hand towards the group, who had guns at the ready. I pointed and Lucy moved to the back behind 10k and I. "Say the word Lieutenant, I'll light it up." Sarge assured.
"No, no. Something's not right. I think we should go." Warren replied, walking away.
"Well, wait. Don't you want to see what's inside?" Murphy pleaded, "I mean it could be full of snacks for all we know."
"Always following your stomach, move it, old man." I shouted back at him, and Lucy shook her head beside me.
"It could happen!" He argued, finally following us.
"When it does, give me a call!" I responded, still walking forwards.

Suddenly, Lucy grabbed my shoulder, turning and pointing at it. "Look!" She alerted the group. The truck had begun to follow us.
"The damn thing's following us." Doc stated, as we came to a stop. The engine revved, and then it moved forwards again.
"Girls, get behind me." Murphy mumbled as we walked behind him, Lucy grabbing onto his jacket.
"Doc and 10k, cover the cab. Sarge, if anything bad happens shoot the tires first, and then the engine. Murphy, stay with the girs!" Warren shouted, jogging over, gun in hand. "Don't shoot 'til I say!"

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