Murphy's Miracle

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Season 3- Episode 3

I was walking through a random town, heading towards Murphy, going with the link we shared. Then I heard impatient car honking coming from the turning ahead, that was definitely Murphy, who else would be stupid, yet safe enough to make that much noise.

When I turned the corner, I saw him and 10k standing by a van, talking to whoever was inside. I ran over. "Hey! I'm back, what's going on here?" I asked, looking in at the couple, whose daughter was dying.
"Maybe I can help." Murphy offered, I tugged his arm. "Jordan, look at her, she has her whole apocalyptic life ahead." I did as he said, looking down at the girl. "Imagine if that was Lucy laying ther..."
"Just do it." I turned to the couple, "you can trust us, we're The Murphy's." I assured.

Minutes later, we were back on the road. I spent the whole time staring at the land outside my window, it was beautiful. Perk of the apocalypse, not enough humans left to ruin nature. "You wanna stop and look?" I looked up at Murphy's eyes in the mirror.
"Really? You would, even with the group hunting us down?" He didn't reply, instead the car came to a halt and we climbed out.

"Why are we stopping here?" 10k questioned as I walked to the front.
"To take in the view." Murphy replied, and I waved 10k to stand with me, looking out at the city. "It's beautiful, oh, and they know." I whispered, kissing his cheek before leaning on his shoulder. "There it is. Home of the 1974 World's Fair. You ever hear of the Lilac City kids?" We didn't reply, obviously not. "Of course you haven't. You two grew up in caves. Take it in. You got nature right here. It's perfect." Murphy's hand slipped down to mine, "our new home. Spokane!" Murphy shouted out to the empty world. I sighed, sitting down. As I looked up at 10k, he was rubbing his cheek, glancing at Merch. "Hey, Tommy, don't worry. I love you too much for that." I reassured, tugging him to the floor. I stared at the waterfall, the water had always been my favourite thing. Just hearing the rush of it crashing on rocks made me smile, calming me down through anything. "Wanna go down there Icicle?" Murphy asked, I stood.
"You're the best!" I squealed, running to the truck. They all walked, and I poked my head out. "Hurry up!"

We were soon stood on the bridge, me and 10k on either side of Murphy, I was speechless. "Magnificent. Unapologetically powerful. Just like I remember." Murphy commented, arms out. I leant on the rail.
"What are we doing here?" 10k asked, looking on at the water too, it was mesmerising.
"Oh ye of little imagination. This is where it all begins. Where the new world order, my world order, stakes its claim." So, Murphy was becoming a power hungry psycho, but I was too busy and loved him too much to care, I would talk him out of it later.

10k cared though,  "You're insane." He commented, making Murphy turn to face him.
"The definition of insanity is doing the same exact thing over and over, and expecting a different result." 10k turned back to the water, Murphy grew angry. "Look at me. We've been doing the exact same thing for two years. It ain't working. Time, for something completely different." I was snapped away as zombies approached, making me move back to 10k, protectively. "Stay back." I ordered, looking at them.
"You will see the wisdom of my actions. And thank me." Murphy finished.
"What's wrong?" 10k whispered to me, before seeing the problem and nodding.
"Relax. They won't hurt you, you're with me now." Murphy stated, making me roll my eyes.
"I'm not with you. I'll never be with you." 10k argued, they really did hate each other, I couldn't change that. "And yet here you are." Murphy pointed out.
"I'm here for Jordan."

This argument was valid, and Murphy stopped, changing the subject. "We need to start up a lab and working on the blend vaccine right away. But first, we need a base of operations. My..our castle. Our lair. Our fortress of solitude  Come along. We're wasting precious time." Murphy grabbed my hand, pulling me away as we followed the direction the undead took. They had gone off behind our transport, and so we all climbed in again. "Where are we actually going?" I asked, leaning over Murphy's shoulder to look out the front as he drove on. "You'll see." Was the only reply, and I nudged him.
"You don't know yet, do you?" There was a pause, before Murphy shook his head.
"No I don't, you're smart Icicle, too smart." He smiled, pushing me back.
"Hey!" I complained, getting up and sitting beside 10k, this journey would be another hour...

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