End Times

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Season 2- Episode 15

It had been a while, and we'd heard no gunshots, so we all decided to head inside. Addy looked at Murphy, "I gotta say, I kind of like the new you." She teased.
"You don't want to meet the new me." He sassed, fanning himself. I had to walk right near him, playing the role of the perfect daughter that was raised to be a lady, who was equally ladylike to her mother. Then Murphy pulled out some pink sunglasses from his bag, and handed them to me, to which I sighed before putting them on.

We walked inside, 10k in the lead with Doc, and Addy behind us. The others went to a larger table, whilst me and Murphy sat separate. "Sit up straight, dear." Murphy snapped in a feminine voice, I had to hold in my laugh as I did what he said. As we sat, we heard the sound of a car pulling up, "bounty hunters." Vasquez stated, glancing at us. We nodded and Murphy pulled his scarf further up his chin. "You picking up the Z?" I looked at Murphy. He nodded.

Then four men entered, with a zombie who's head was covered, and attached to a chain. They stood around a table and Auntie served them, however they stopped her from leaving. "Are you Auntie?" One asked, she turned.
"I am."
"We heard you're the one to talk to about The Murphy's. We got one of them, show her." The leader continued, the bag was then pulled. I noticed Murphy wouldn't turn so I sent him a mental image of the zombie they had chosen to be him, "seriously?" He complained, and I mentally shushed him.

I watched as they continued to drink, then they walked up to the group. I watched closely, sending Murphy everything as he could only listen, having his back turned to the situation. Auntie walked over and gave us a glass of water each, "thank you, Auntie." I said, in a posh voice.
"You're welcome, princess." Was her reply, before she walked off. I watched as Murphy went to have a drink but put it straight down, remembering the scarf he wore over his mouth. That's when the guy near us spoke up.

"You two, sure are shy. How bout a dance?" When Murphy didn't reply, the hunter turned to me. I shook my head, but noticed the zombie copying. "Not the time." I complained, shooting it a look, which it returned. The guy took my hand and pulled me up, I looked to 10k and he nodded, walking over. "She's more my age, if you wouldn't mind." He stated, the bounty hunter laughed before moving away, cheering him on. "Thanks." I whispered, but they moved to continue annoying Murphy. Every time he waved them off, the Zs hands did the same, it also swayed slightly as I did with 10k. "I'm sorry, I'm a little tired today. But thank you for the dance, sir." I curtseyed to 10k, before gesturing to his sniper, making him walk back to the table. The leader of the bounty hunters shoved past me, "hey, shy girl. Think fast." With that he threw a glass to Murphy, causing him, and the Z, to clap, making all hell break loose. Guns were aimed at each other and I pulled my knife, placing it to the nearest guys throat.

"Now that's interesting, when one of the shy girls here move, my Murphy moves the same way. Like they're connected or something, it's interesting. Why don't you take off that hat?" He ordered, still pointing one gun at Murphy, the other at me "No." He responded.
"Take off the hat...or I'll shoot your girl here." At this Murphy looked at me, before pulling off the hat. "Wow, that's life like. That's good work. If I didn't know any better is think you were the real deal.." I zoned out, concentrating on the zombie, who Murphy was already going for. "Just keep him distracted, I've got this." I reassured, drawing the zombie closer. "Come on." I coaxed it, then Murphy snapped off his sunglasses and it bit the leader.

All guns shot, my knife cut the guy's throat and soon enough, our group were the only ones standing. "That'll be enough of that. Put down your weapons. Please." Auntie ordered, holding her own gun. Murphy stood, and checked me over for any bullet wounds, "I'm good, I'm alright." I whispered, before we turned back to Auntie.
"You The Murphys?" She asked, we nodded, "well it's about time." That's when we heard a moan.
"10k?" Addy spoke before diving behind the table, I quickly broke out of Murphy's grip, running over.

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