The Recipie

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Season 5- Episode 7

I smiled, nodding at Warren as I stood beside Addy, leaning into the arm she wrapped around my shoulders for a brief moment. "Ay, by' watch out for the one-eyed one. She's not nice. Not at all. She's mean like a badger." The brother who Addy had taken care of spoke up.
"Yeah, her blue friend isn't much nicer." His brother responded. Addy and I just waved, mock pouting at them with a smirk.
"I thought you people spoke English in Canada." Murphy spoke up, his hands on his hips as he watched the pair.
"We do's."
"You do's?" He raised an eyebrow, glancing across at me, eyes full of concern. I just smiled back, letting him know I was fine. "Besides, ain't no Canada. Not no more anywho."
"Yeah, no 'Merica neither it seems." The two brothers continued, the one in glasses stepping forwards. "Pardon me manners. I'm Gilly, that there's me brudder, Skull. Skully for short."
"But that's longer." Murphy responded.

"Okay, so look, we heard rumours that you guys bake Bizkits here." Warren spoke up, before Murphy could continue his comment.
"Dat's no rumor. Dat's the truth." Gilly informed.
"Well no offence, but you look more like butchers than bakers." Murphy stated.
"Thanks." The brothers have him wide smiles and there was a small pause.
"You're welcome?" Murphy glanced at me, "What the hell is going on?"
"No clue, but it's not my problem."  I shrugged a response.

"We need Bizkits. Lots of them." Warren told them.
"Well for dat, you're gonna have to talk to me mum. She's in charge of the baking." Gilly replied.
"Where might she be?" Warren continued to question.
"Mum? Mum's up dare in the office." I understood immediately what was going on, having felt the zombies since I'd walked into the place. "Okay. Can we talk to her?" Warren asked, picking up the gun, wary of the situation. Gilly raised his hands, showing no resistance, "Well let's just go take a little looky. See what kind of mood she's in." Addy began to step forward too, bat raising as she walked, causing Skully to stand up. "It's not as easy as all that, now is it brudder?" He stated, placing a meat-full hand onto Gilly's shoulder.
"No brudder, it isn't. After the Black Rains, we was on our way to Newmerica, and we got turned arse over tea kettle by a pack of Zs." As he spoke he began to move things around, all the while weapons remained ready and I just watched on, amused with the whole situation. "Our brudder Brenton got all riled up and he mercied a bunch of them, but those Zs took a right bite outta him. Yeah, he was a goner for sure."
"Yeah, I mean they really filled their boots with his belly, but he never turned." Skully added.
"Aye, he started acting a bit rummy and dead like, but he was still talking. So we figured he isn't dead, he's just sickish." Gilly continued.
"Yeah, see it wasn't till mum caught him sneaking brains that we realized he's one of these Talker guys."
"Yeah, mum got real tired of him sneaking off to get brains. So she baked up some roadkill
brains into a bizkit for him. And the more he ate, the more he was like the brudder we knew." As Gilly said this, the pair moved a final crate, placing a box beside it to allow them onto it. "See, the bizkits kept him Canadian." Skully stated.
"Pretty soon, everybody wanted mum's bizkits. So we set up the bakery."

"Okay, so what happened? Why'd y'all stop?" Warren spoke up, stepping towards the brothers slightly.
"Well, everything was poutine and pie until somebody blew up the vote. And we've been under attack from Zs from out of nowhere ever since." Gilly replied, climbing onto the crate.
"Sounds like someone didn't want you making bizkits." Murphy commented.
"Yeah. We thought yous was them come back to finish us off."
"So if your mom has this secret recipe, why can't we just make more bizkits?" Warren asked.
"Well you'll have to talk to mum about that. But she ain't been herself since our little brudder bit her." Skully snapped, the whole group eyed me, clearly questioning why I hadn't spoke up, but I just rolled my eyes, looking away. "You might say she's a bit cranky herself without her bizkits. We had to lock mum up in the office for her own good. Since then, the three of us have been trying to work out the recipe but come up short." Gilly continued to explain, taking a net that Skully handed him and standing up.
"Three?" Murphy questioned.
"Yeah, we had another brudder, Chilly. He was with us till he tried to take the recipe off mum." Skully explained.
"So where's he now?" Warren questioned. In response, Gilly reached up with the net, tapping the office window and drawing three zombies to the window. "Let me guess. He didn't get the recipe?" Murphy sighed.
"Gilly, look at the big brains on Red over here." At Skully's comment, I stepped forwards, drawing my knife and placing it to his neck. This was no time to offend my family. "Hey, hey. Easy. Easy. Okay, look. Mum's got the only copy of the recipe on her. Okay, she turned about two weeks ago. Okay, Gilly and I are running out of options here." Skully pleaded, and with a small nod, I let him go, stepping back and by Murphy's side.
"How's a fella supposed to be getting on like this, eh? Those deadish bastards turned our mum and brudders."

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