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Season 4- Episode 10

I desperately held my arm over my face, wiping at the goggles I'd scavenged before we went into the foam. "Dad?! 10k?! Warren?!" I knew they were in here, but there was no telling which direction. If I didn't feel Warren or Murphy, it was a zombie that I was lead to, currently I was at a group of four. "Dad! Where are you in this shitstorm?" No response, and I walked on, only to bump into another Z. "Let me guess, you want to tag along?" I said, folding my arms as I looked at him. He shrugged, and I sighed, before pointing to the group. "Come on then." A growl of appreciation was heard, and we continued our search for the others.

"Dad? Come on, you bastard, show me where you are!" As if on cue, all the zombies started to head in one direction.
"You guys know, don't you?" I asked, turning to look at them.
"I saw him go this way."
"Well then, lead the way." As we began to walk through again, Murphy finally responded to my calls.
"I'm alright, I'm with Doc, Sketchy and Skeezy. You'll never guess what we found!" He sounded beyond excited, and I mentally scoffed.
"I'm gonna kick your ass for not replying, I thought you'd died!" I snapped at him, before slowing as my undead friends did. They'd stopped at a building which still had lights on, inside I felt even more Zs, and Murphy. I reached for the door, trying to open it, but failing. "Hello? Dad?" I knocked again, before smiling as a man opened it up.

"Come on in." He smiled, and I looked back the zombies.
"Stay here, if you see any of the others, don't hurt them."
"Jo, don.." I walked inside, then I spotted the four of them sat down, along with the tallest guy I'd ever seen stood above them, gun in hand. "I swear if you ever leave me like that again, I will disown you!" I snapped, my hands on my hips as I looked at Murphy.
"How can you disown me? We're not even officially related?" Murphy defended himself, before going quiet as the man glared.
"You are a stunner." He smiled, then I glanced back, noticing that Sketchy and Skeezy were actually being quiet.
"Hey! Get away from my daughter!" Murphy stood up, walking forwards and pushing him away from me, despite the weapons being aimed. "What's going on here? Why are there loads of Zs in the basement, and why the hell are those two being so quiet?" I questioned, my hand slowly reaching towards my pocket, where a knife hid. But before I could react, two pistols were aimed, one at Murphy, and one at me. "Sit. Down."
"I tried to tell you." Murphy grumbled, walking back over to the couch.
"You could've told me." I argued, tapping his head.

The group went quiet, and Doc began to look at Murphy. "What?" Murphy glanced back at him, and I shuffled uncomfortably, having been forced to squash myself between Skeezy and Murphy. "Nothing. I'm just trying to figure a way out of this." Doc replied in a low whisper.
"Well, that's what I'm trying to do too." Murphy told him. I leant forwards, looking at the pair.
"We wouldn't have to find a way out, if you idiots had warned me. I had a group of five Zs outside that door!" I informed, before looking down at the floor, "and if we could get them out, a whole lot more. Who is this guy, anyway?"
"Just call him Sal." Doc told me, as the doorbell chimed again.

"If that's who I think it is, you fellas are toast!" Doc warned, leaning to look at it. The larger man spoke in sign, and Sal pointed one gun at the door, the other at us. "Who cares what he's talking about? Shoot first. No questions." He ordered.
"I wouldn't do that." Murphy cut in, giving me a small nudge.
"What?" I met his eyes.
"That the Zs?" He asked.
"No, it's," I paused, connecting to the zombies again, "10k and Sarge!" I looked at the door, closing my eyes as I spoke to them. "Get them away, but don't hurt them, gently."
"What's blueberry up to?" Sal's shout made my eyes snap open, and I raised my hands.
"I'm not up to anything, why, what are you up to?"
"Quiet!" He shouted, making our smiles fade, "act normal."
"Normal?" Murphy questioned, giving him a look of disbelief.
"Like you're not being robbed." Sal responded, waving him arms around.
"A robbery? Is that what this is? I totally thought you two were a couple of sadists out for a good time." Murphy pointed at the pair.
"No, they're capitalists." Skeezy confirmed, leaning back to look at Murphy past me.
"Don't look very rich to me." I chimed, looking them over again.
"Shut the hell up! You are the chattiest bunch of marks in the whole damned apocalypse!" Sal screamed, and we fell silent as he turned back to the door, now speaking calmly. "You have to pull."

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