Doc (and Jordan) Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Part. 2

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"I loveee youuu." He started to sing slightly, and I put a hand over his mouth.
"Did you really have to make him high?" I questioned Doc, who just shrugged at me, pulling his 'I'm innocent' face. 10k just had wide eyes, and wouldn't stop trying to grab my hand, or hair, or poke my side. Anything to try and get me to sit on his knee. "Time for fitness!" Nurse Ratched announced, and I stood joining the back of the group alongside the two idiots.

"And we stretch up and down. Bend your knees, and down. Stretch to the sky, and down." She instructed, I did so with ease, holding in my laughter as 10k looked confused as hell. Doc looped one of 10k's arms around his shoulder, and shot me a look. We slowly made our way sideways, all the while bending up and down with a confused, yet amazed 10k between us.

We went through the bunks and 10k grabbed a pillow, leaning on it. "No napping." Doc said, snatching it away. As we passed the reception, I spotted the familiar satchel and his boots, alongside goggles, a bandana, and a glove. "Grab them." I demanded, and Doc quickly did so. We helped 10k to look like himself again, before leading him on. "Doc, wait." I tried to stop him as we walked downstairs, but he didn't listen and we came face to face with the barricaded door. "Oh, we can't go that way." Doc stated, looking at the zombies.
"Tried to tell you." I chirped, watching as they went further. As I went to join them, I paused as I caught a Zs eye. "Run." I blinked, confused. A Z just told me to run. I had no reason to follow it's instructions, but still, I ran as fast as I could. When I turned back, I saw Doc and 10k being knocked out by Elvis.

I had just been saved by a zombie.

"Thank you." I crouched behind an old cabinet, watching as they dragged Doc and 10k away. There were only two ways to save them now, use the fact that I'm a Murphy, with the risk that they had never heard of us, or set the apocalypse on them. With 10k being high out of his mind, and the boosters shots now with Doc upstairs, I had no choice but to go with the former. It was the best chance I had at keeping them alive.

I walked back down the corridor, glancing around every now and again to check I was still alone. However, when I passed the door, it opened behind the barricade, and I jumped back from the noise. "You guys are getting in anyway, huh?" I asked, stopping to watch them. Of course they just growled as a response. "Question is, do I slow you down, leave you, or speed you up?" I continued to ask as I stepped closer. "I reckon... I'll leave you, I can slow you down later if I have to." I decided, before walking back towards the main room.

When I got there, the group were making to leave. "Where's 10k?" I asked Winona, who pointed behind her. I walked in and found Nurse Ratched dead, and Doc collecting the drugs. "Jordan, where were you?" Doc questioned, giving me an annoyed look.
"Talking with the Zs, what else is new?"
"Did she just say talking to the Zs?"
"Yes Pete, she did. This is one of the blue people, Jordan Murphy. Now come on, let's go!" Doc replied, waving us all out.
"Come here Sniper Boy." I said, taking 10k's arm in mine. He smiled, and leant down on me. "Anyone ever told you you're cute?"
"And you're still annoying when high, come on." I pulled him along, and he stumbled, still in his confused state.

We stopped outside the door to the Z ward, and Doc turned to the group. "Alright, listen up. Now I don't care what the doctors here or Nurse Ratched told you. But nobody here is crazier than the rest of the whole damn world. You're not insane. You're survivors. All of you. And the only way we're gonna get out of this alive, is if we stick together and work as a team. Now are you with me?"
"Say we do get out of here alive, uh, where...where do we plan on going?" Liddy asked, raising his hand, before clutching back onto the metal rolling pin he held at the sound of the crash. "They're in." I warned.
"Well then, anywhere but here." Doc said, and Pete opened the door.

"Here we go, nice and easy." Doc muttered, and I waited at the back. There were more Zs behind us than in front. "Murphy." 10k suddenly spoke up.
"You sure he's not the delusional one?" Liddy asked.
"I'm sure. Come on." We kept going, and Pete pointed to a mercied Z.
"I know that guy," he said.
"Shut up you fool. You'll wake him up." Liddy snapped, and I chuckled to myself. He wasn't waking up.
"Come on guys. Remember we're a team, now come on keep moving. Keep moving." Doc interrupted the pair, and I looked up at Bob. He was mute, and just walked on as if he were a Z himself. Speaking of, one came crawling out. Before I could react, Bob emotionlessly crushed its skull, and continued his walk. "Mercy." I whispered.

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