Resurrection Z

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Season 1 - Episode 6

I sighed leaning back onto the window as I looked at Murphy who was on pee break with his back to us. After I confronted him, Murphy had been protecting and caring for me like family, I guess it settled in that we had to keep each other alive, for the sake of keeping ourselves alive. "No Zs in sight." Mack informed, walking back towards us and climbing into the back with Addy, 10k, and I. "Anybody else worried about Mr.Sunshine out there?" Doc asked, and I shuffled to the back, hanging my legs over the edge with 10k.
"I know he's looking worse." Garnett replied and I let out a breath.
"Yeah, he was pretty creepy to start with." Warren added.
"Guys." I muttered.
"Come on, give him a break. It's the apocalypse, none of look our best, it's like one long bad hair day." Addy supported and I gave her a smile that she returned.
"Speaking of hair what's with all the bald patches?" Mack asked.
"Maybe that vaccine is like zombie cemo?" Addy suggested.
"Or maybe that vaccine isn't working." 10k stated, my head snapped to look at him.
"It's working!" I practically shouted before lowering my voice, "it has to be." Murphy looked back at us and the group turned away.
"What do you think, Doc?" Garnett asked.
"I've seen Zs look better than him," he responded and I jumped down, getting back inside the truck to wait for Murphy alone.

Soon the group piled back in and I gave Murphy a weak smile, "come here." He said, wrapping his arm around me.
"The group are beginning to doubt the vaccine." I whispered and he huffed.
"I'll be alright, don't worry, you're not going to be alone again. I promised, remember?" I smiled and nodded as I leant on his shoulder.
"Hey is the radio fixed yet?" I asked.
"No, sorry sweetheart." Warren replied, I sighed.
"I miss music, I used to sing you know?" I informed, and Doc laughed.
"Well go on then, give us a tune." He urged, and Murphy nudged me to sit up.
"No, I can't." I protested.
"Oh, come on. For me?" Murphy gave me fake puppy dog eyes, but I shook my head.
"I've never sung in front of anyone, I'm no good. I just freak out and go off key." I explained and they rolled their eyes.
"Come on Jordie! That's your excuse?" Garnett joined in, looking back at me.
"Another time alright!" I jumped at my own voice, it was more of a slight growl.
"You alright?" Doc asked, looking at me concerned, and handing me the last of the water. "Take it." He pushed it into my hand and I sipped the last couple of drops.
"Sore throat, just rest your voice, okay Jo?" Murphy said, before leaning closer to me, "I'll talk to you in a bit, when we can be alone again." He whispered, before returning to his usual grouchy state. I leant on the window and just watched the fields go by as we traveled to Province town, arriving 3 hours later.

"What do you wanna do?" Warren asked as we pulled up to the surrender all weapons sign.
"Their town, their rules. Looks like we don't have much of a choice" Garnett replied and my leg hovered over my knife, I had never used it, but I never left it behind. We drove forwards slightly more, but were forced to stop by the towns folk holding guns. "Stop right there! This is a private compound, I'm gonna have to ask you to turn around and go back the way you came!" The woman shouted, and Garnett climbed out to speak with her. I took Murphy's hand and he gave it a squeeze, the whole group was fidgeting, clearly not happy with the situation.

"Easy everyone, Charlie's got it under control." Warren called back to all of us.
"So you're calling him Charlie now?" Murphy teased trying to cheer me up.
"Yeah, and I'm gonna start calling you my bitch if you don't shut up," she responded.
"I'd prefer Kerry, always liked that name." I spoke up and she glared at me through the mirror, "don't you start missy, you forget we don't need you on this mission." Warren threatened.
"Yeah, but I do. And you need me." Murphy defended me, Warren huffed in defeat, rolling her eyes as I gave Murphy a high five. "Alright, come on. But we need to give them our weapons." Garnett told us as we piled out.

We walked up to the office, I was at the back behind 10k, who had various weapons along with a chain down his trousers. I let out a little laugh and he turned to me, "always got to have a back up." He muttered, and I walked up to the gate. The metal detector instantly beeped me, "hand it over." The woman demanded pointing at my knife.
"No, it's important to me. Please." I pleaded, but she held out her hand. "Murphy, I can't. I can't!" I began to panic and Murphy grabbed me as guns were pointed.
"Come on, you can't die on me now Jo." He said, turning me to face him. I shook my head, "look, why don't I just wait in the truck?" I suggested, but 10k came back through, snapping the clip on my sheath and pulling the knife away and into the hands of the office. "I'm sorry, but you need the food." He said looking down as I was taken through with my arm linked to his.

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