Lost in Limbo

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Season 5- Episode 6

I sighed as I sat on my bed, Lucy curled up by my lap. She had grown, despite being dead, she was much bigger than when I'd found her. Since we'd arrived in Limbo, Talkers had been dropped off, and currently they were hungry. "Alright, I'm gonna talk to the people upstairs, you guys just hold on." I told them, standing up and causing Lucy to jump, watching me as multiple replies came through. "Help!"
"Thank you!"
"Please, hurry!"

I made my way up the steps, walking through the crowd that parted to allow me through. I'd gained quite the presence in Limbo, too many people trying to be suck ups, and too many people pissed me off. As a result, they moved out of my way and did as told without question, Murphy also found it rather amusing. I made my way to the Bizkits storage, before frowning at the lack thereof. "Dad!" The room stopped, and his face appeared through the crowd as I walked over.
"Oh, what now?"
"Where are the Bizkits?" I questioned.
"Oh, umm, yeah, about that.."
"Don't bullshit me." I cut him short.
"We were running low, they're all out." He raised his arms in defence, and I rolled my eyes.
"There are Talkers going hungry downstairs!"
"Then they'll have to wait. I'm trying my best here." The room watched on as we spoke in our minds, neither of us backing down.
"Jordan." We both continued to glare at one another, before I sighed, folding my arms and walking away, shoving a stray drunk from my path. "This isn't over!" I called, hopping up onto the bar.
"Yeah, yeah, I know!" Murphy waved an arm causing the room to move once again, and Limbo returned to it's 'glory'.

Murphy moved onto the next duel, and I accepted a drink from the bartender. "So, anything new out there?" I asked.
"Not today, Miss Murphy." He replied.
"Alright." I nodded, before gazing out. That's when I saw three people I was sure I knew. They were watching Murphy as he cheered for the winner of the duel, and then my view was blocked. "Dammit." I jumped down, before stepping forwards, "out of my way!" I ordered, pushing my way through.
"Duck!" Murphy warned, and the three people I looked for did so too as he let out a crazed laugh, "welcome to Limbo!"
"Warren? Doc?" They turned and I smiled, "welcome to hell."
"Jordan? You look...different." Warren looked me over and I shrugged.
"Yeah, well, things change."
"Sure do." Doc nodded.
"You guys want a drink? Come on." I led them over to the bar and poured a drink. George whispered something to Warren, before looking to Doc, "let's go." She called.

"Uh, Jack, wasn't it?" Murphy spoke up, walking behind the bar as I took my usual place on top.
"It's George." She corrected.
"Right. George. Listen, I have something you need to hear." Murphy gestured for her to lean in and I rolled my eyes.
"Here we go."
"You're a drag." He mumbled, before leaning back and laughing again. "Relax. Let me at least buy my friends a drink before y'all go running back to your next suicide mission."
"We don't pay for anything, it's your place." I reminded.
"Mind the attitude or I'll make you pay." Murphy snapped back, and I mouthed 'bite me' in return.
"Come to think of it, I am still sober." Doc stated, before taking a glass.
"Guys, we're looking for someone." Warren spoke up, looking around the room as Murphy continued to pour drinks. "Don't bother. They don't know anything." George scoffed.
"Maybe. Maybe not." Warren replied, taking her own drink and watching the Bizkit gambling.
"Oh, I gotta hit the head." Doc sighed.
"Ah, there's always a line for hit the head." Murphy warned, gesturing to the game across the room.

"So it looks like you've chose sides in this Talkers controversy." Warren began, changing the subject.
"Yeah, we have. The winning side. Whatever side that is." Murphy stated with a smirk.
"He has. I'm leaning towards Talkers, sorry guys." I cut in.
"You got a lot of Talkers here to be so A-political. You realise you're now the only outpost in Newmerica that lets Talkers walk free?" Warren informed.
"Talkers, blends, humans...baby, they're all customers to me."
"You're still a prick." I mocked.
"And you've still got an attitude." Murphy replied, before putting down his glass, "right, now about I give you guys the tour?"
"I'll be downstairs." I told him, "oh, and make sure to bring them down."
"Sure, whatever." He waved me off moving away from the bar.
"Dad." I warned.
"I will, I promise." He gave me an innocent look and I nodded, accepting the answer and heading towards the basement.

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