Full Metal Zombie

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Season 1 - Episode 4

We had stopped driving for repairs and pee breaks after we got Addy and Cassandra back from the cannibals, and now I sat in the back with 10k as he slingshot two more Zs. "Amish Zombies. Really? Really?" Addy questioned.
"They tried to quarantine themselves from the rest of society, keep the Zs from spreading infection." Garnett explained.
"That was before we knew that Romero had it right," Mack added as he worked on the truck, "we were all carrying the virus. Didn't matter who you were or how you died," he continued and I hopped down from the back. "Night of the living dead, great movie, sucky reality," Addy complained, "you know what I don't get, if the Zs didn't spread the virus, how did we all get infected?" She continued to ask, and I subtly watched Murphy for any sign of his Z senses kicking off. Mine were under control but by the looks of things he was recently 'cured'.
"Best guess I heard it was spread by birds. Some kind of parasite piggybacked on the bird flu, stays dormant until you die," Garnett replied and I shrugged.
"You know, take it from somebody who knows first hand. Other than the fact that they find brains delicious, when it comes to zombies nobody knows nothin'" I stated, as Warren came back from pee break and Murphy wandered off.

I headed back into the trailer with Doc, Cassandra and 10k, they were asking if there was still a person inside the Zs. "I'm tellin ya, there ain't nothing there. No soul, nothin.. Doc was saying.
"Well they're not dead, they want something," Cassandra argued and 10k sat cleaning his weapons. "Yeah, brains." Doc replied.
"You can't want something if you're not conscious, if you don't have a soul." Cassandra pointed out as she picked up her water. Then 10k spoke up, "when my pa was wounded, he told me to tie him up before he turned. Made me promise to show him mercy when he died, kill the brain, you know?" He looked to the side. "I couldn't do it, I couldn't hurt my Pa, no matter what he'd become. I stared into his eyes for the longest time, just looking for some sign he was still in there." I placed a hand over his in apology.
"Did you see anything?" Cassandra asked, 10k shook his head.
"What did you do?" Doc spoke up.
"I killed it." 10k's voice was more angry than upset as he pulled away from me, "damn kid, you had to put down your own dad?" Doc sighed, 10k quickly chipped in, "didn't kill him, killed it." He corrected.
"But if it's not alive how did you kill it?" Cassandra went on to question, as I stared out, across the fields not wanting to talk of family. "Piked it, right here. My first kill. I always wish he knew, you know somehow knew that I kept my promise," I looked back at him as he gestured to his head. "He knows." I whispered, but he shrugged in reply.

I suddenly felt a wave of dizziness and felt myself fall asleep, last thing I remembered was Doc shouting Garnett and carrying me into the back next to Murphy.

I shot up feeling Zs nearby as I woke, Murphy sat opposite me smirking. "Beginning to think I would have to pike ya girl. Get up." He joked and I rolled my eyes looking out of the front. We came to a stop as 11 zombies....wait not all of them were real. 10k ran off into a tree and we all climbed out. "Guys wait..." Too late. Guns had been pulled and a car drove up. Murphy put up his hands as a Z was sniped by 10k, the leader of the bandits laughed. "God, I love that kid." I heard Doc mumble as I backed up towards Murphy and the truck. "Now we just want the vehicle, all right? So give us the truck and we'll let you live to die another day." He offered and Murphy shouted at Garnett. "Just give him the truck!"
"Don't give them a goddamn thing!" Warren instantly chipped in.
"Do the math Garnett, we have other priorities. Give them the damn truck!" Murphy continued.
"Listen to your friend there. Nobody wants to die. But we're taking that truck." The bandit laughed as Murphy and I stood behind, and Mack aimed his gun at the guy. "Say the word Garnett," he spoke up. A deafening silence fell over our groups.

"Let them have it." Garnett finally spoke, and I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. "The truck! Let them have the truck," he quickly stopped Warren from shooting as she took the instructions the wrong way. "Smart move. Alright guys lets go! And leave the junker, they won't get far anyway!" They all climbed into the truck and drove off cheering and hollering,  leaving us with a piece of crap, but alive.

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