It was really weird to have the place to myself after being away from here for so long. After everything that has happened to this family in the past months, it was nice to take a breather and just be with my daughter. With that thought in mind, I got dressed in some more comfy and clean clothes and changed Rory and wrapped her up to get ready to go for a little walk outside. I really wanted to take Aurora to meet my grandfather but she was still too little to take to a care home but eventually, I would take her there and meet more of my blood family. I placed Aurora in her new pram and made sure she was comfortable enough and safe, she was sleeping soundly making cute little noises when she stretched.

Without even realising I had walked my way to the cemetery. A cold gush of air swept through me indicating the first signs of autumn coming our way. I pushed Aurora and myself, my feet leading the way to where I knew he was. Then I was in front of it, his headstone once more. Aurora started to winge a little but I knew she only wanted to be held as I had fed her when I took a coffee break before I got here. I gently took her out of the pram, rocking her a little making her settle back to sleep in my arms. I took a seat on the grass, taking a moment of silence before I decided to speak up.

"Hi, dad."

Another gust on wind swung by making the little hairs around my face falling before my eyes. I wiped them away to hold behind my ear.

"I have someone for you to meet." I shifted Aurora in my arms as if my father was sat in front of me.

"This is your granddaughter Aurora Aster Primrose. She has the most beautiful eyes." I smiled looking down at my little baby girl.

"I would have come to see you for your birthday but I was a little busy with this one." I laughed to myself remembering when I went into labour.

"You don't need to worry about us dad, we are well taken care of and this little girl is the most cherished thing. Aj is still finding hard to adapt but he never takes his eyes off her and always tells me when she's crying. I'm sure he'll grow more fond of her but I don't think he quite understands that Aurora was in a belly just a couple weeks ago." I stroked Aurora's cheek and let the wind blow past once more.

"I miss you dad. I wish you could be here and meet Aurora and play with Aj. There are so many things I had to do without you by my side. I try and not think about it because it would just make me sad, and I don't want to be sad especially when I have so much more to live for now. I know you'll be there every step of the way one way or another. You'll be there. I know it." I concluded.

I stayed sat there for a while longer but placed Aurora back in the pram to keep her shielded from the wind. I walked back home and got some lunch on the way back. The rest of the day passed by rather slowly, the weight on my heart from seeing dad was still there and mixed with postpartum hormones did not bode well. I feed Aurora again and waited for Damon to come home so we could both go pick Aj up.

"Hey, sunshine. Little sunshine." Damon called as he walked through the door seeing me sitting on the sofa with Aurora.

"Are you ready to head out and get our boy?" he asked kissing my forehead and leaning down to do the same to Rory.

"Yep just need to put shoes on and get my jacket," I said standing up.

Damon was doing little puppy eyes and I knew he wanted to hold his daughter. With a little chuckle I handed her over to him and I knew from that moment forward I was not having her back in my arms until I feed her next.

Damon and I walked into the building and signed in at reception before heading to Aj's class and wait for him to come out. Some of the other moms were coming over to Damon and I to gush over Aurora and asking me all the mommy questions and saying how precious she is, keeping some casual conversation going before the kids were let out.

Her Damon | 4 | [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now