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Chapter {62}

Emrys Belle:

The wind was blowing a light breeze, the fallen leaves swirling around sweeping the ground as more leaves were blown off the trees surrounding the park. It was a cold autumn day, the sun was peaking through the grey clouds floating in the sky, slowly moving closer and darker to us as time went on. Rain could be felt in the air but that didn't bother me. It was the perfect day to go out as not many people would want to brave this changing weather. The park was near enough empty this morning which I found surprising but didn't let that bother me as I knew Aj would much rather play on the playground on his own and not be bothered by other kids, especially not since the toy incident with Damon and that horrid little boy.

Aurora was peacefully asleep in her pram, all tucked in her baby pink blanket and teddy firmly gripped in her tiny little hands. I couldn't help but smile down at her as I took my seat on a park bench giving me a pretty decent view of the park so I could keep an eye on Aj as he ran about.

"Stay close where I can see you Aj okay?" I yelled out after him as he legged it to the slide, bopping his head up and down to confirm that he had heard what I had said.

I got comfortable on the hard wooden surface beneath me, glad I had managed to make it out of the house dressed, with both kids in a reasonable amount of time. My day had not started as peacefully as it is now, far from it.

Aurora was fussy, nothing would calm her down. She woke up crying and yelling, not even Damon could settle her. Her cheeks were red which let me know that perhaps she has started teething which I knew would be the cause of her pain and crying. Aj just decided to be full of energy and forget about his listening ears, running havoc around the house, and throwing toys in all directions. The loud crash of each thing he threw only made his sister cry even louder at the noise of each crash. Once I had managed to get some medicine down Aurora to help with her teeth and settle her down, Damon chose that very moment to leave me with Rory still winging and now wanting cuddles, and Aj throwing, yelling, breaking things, and point blank refusing to eat anything I offered.

His parting words to me were :

"Have a good day, I have to go to a meeting. Love you."

That only then prompted Rory to start screaming again because her daddy has now left through the door. I sighed out of frustration because I had just got her to stop crying though she was still fussing and now I had to start all over again. I just let Aj scream and run around while I bounced his sister on my hip while I reconsidered all my life choices.

I paused for a moment to look at the mess that had now become my house, deciding that I was not going to spend my day here cleaning up.

"Aj? Fancy going to play in the park?" The minute that sentence left my lips, Aj stopped in his tracks, dropped his car down, and nodded his head with so much vigor. I thought it would fall off.

I quickly threw some clothes on him, put a jumper on, and wrapped Rory up and we were out the door. Damon can deal with the mess when he gets home. The fresh air did us all some good and the walk sent my baby girl right to sleep for which I was thankful.

So now here we are, happily in the park, baby asleep, toddler running around, calm mom. I'd say that's a win in my book.

I sat there, just enjoying the peace surrounding me. I could hear Aj happily going on the slide, again and again, getting an occasional wave when he climbed back to the top.

"May I sit here?"

I shook out of my thoughts and looked up to see an elderly woman. She seemed frail, all wrapped up in what appeared to be a fur coat, which I found odd at first but shook it off, it was not my business to care about what she had on.

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