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Emrys Belle:

The rest of the weekend was still a little tense. I was still afraid that Jeremy would just pop up and make my life hell all over again. I couldn't even enjoy spending time with my sister, my son or Damon because I felt on constant guard.

Spring was starting to gain its full potential as the weather started to adjust itself and it wasn't as cold here in New-York but it just kept raining and when it wasn't raining it was cold but very sunny.

I was starting to get all the revisions I could in since in two weeks I would be passing my exams and I was so nervous especially that now in the hospital I was going to work alongside Doctor Salvatore – who was a true legend in this business – and I was ready to learn.

Damon has still been coming most evening but not as much as before. I was missing his presence and even if he phoned it just wasn't the same thing. Aj always waited impatiently for Damon's arrivals and he has started to let Damon play with him and his cars. He is still not allowed to play with Aj's red car though and eye contact and conversation stays minimal still.

I was sitting sipping coffee in the staff room revising on the procedures for open heart surgery and making sure that I knew all the correct arteries and all sorts of different elements that I had to learn for the upcoming exams. Working in the hospital helped me a lot considering that I was in the environment that I was studying.

I continued on with my day as usual and surprisingly enough today was relatively calm as in there was no major car wreck accident or anything that would be all hands on deck type of situation. It was a basic, calm day. But I came home nonetheless very tired.

Aj was a lot more silent than usual and refused to eat which I found very odd. He was a lot fussier and a lot more demanding than usual. I was cuddling with him on the sofa after he had settled down a little and I was reading my notes as he was watching one of his shows on Tv. I ran my hand through his hair and realised that he had a fever. I put my notes down and placed my hand more firmly on his forehead going into worried mum/ doctor mode.

I picked him up and he let me check his temperature properly and listen to his heartbeat to find anything that could ring alarm bells. He had a fever, nothing too alarming and he didn't have any other signs of anything so I gave him something to calm the fever down, put him to bed with a cold cloth on his forehead and decided to wait it out and see if it got any worse.

I woke up during the night hearing Aj's coughing and crying. When I stepped into his room his cheeks were stained with tears, he was coughing his little heart out and calling for me to pick him up.

"Oh baba, it's ok. Mama's here." I kissed his forehead and found that he was still very warm.

I ran him a cold bath to bring his temperature down a little because he was not settling down and that seemed to have calmed him a little more. I was not used to Aj getting sick and whenever he did get sick it was never easy because he just would not calm down.

I spent the night taking care of my ill son, who's symptoms kept coming up one after the other. First the fever, then the coughing, now the runny nose and last but not least he started throwing up in the early hours of the morning, and it was everywhere.

Aj was finally sleeping and I was already late for work. I had called his daycare up letting them know that he would not be in today all while I was stripping the sheets of his bed and putting them in the wash because they were covered in puke. He was sleeping in my bed because that was the only thing that would make him sleep.

Next was phoning up work and telling them that I could not come in today because I had a very sick child and no one else to take care of him on such short notice. My mother would never make the trip and my sister had school and they were far away so that would have not worked either.

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