family isn't always blood related (requested)

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"What should we watch tonight, Soph?" Demi asked as she plopped down on the couch next to you and Sophia.

It's family movie night and you're letting Sophia choose the movie. She was so excited! You didn't even have to ask. You know what her favorite movie is. However, you know Demi just asks to make sure she doesn't wanna something different.

"Monsters inc!" She squealed and stole a few pieces of candy from the tiny bowl in Demi's lap.

Demi selected the movie, but before she could even play it there was a knock on the front door. You and Demi exchanged a look before you started to get up. "Expecting someone, princess?"

"Not that I can remember. Play the movie. I'll be right back." You smiled lightly and walked to the door. You would've never guessed who was standing behind it. You haven't heard from him since the day you told him you were pregnant seven years ago.

But there he was. Dark hair all a mess in his jeans and black tee. He hadn't changed much from the last time you saw him.

"Ben? What are you doing here?"

You were in shock, to say the least. Why on earth was he standing in your doorway?

"Nice to see you too, Y/N." He smiled coyly, causing you to roll your eyes. "But, if you must know, I'm here to see my daughter."

"Oh? Really? That's funny considering just seven years ago you told me you never wanted to be a father! Remember that? Remember how you just walked out on us?"

He scoffed and turned his head.

"You know she's seven now. We're doing just fine without you. Why do you decide now of all times that you try to make an effort to be in her life when you made it crystal clear that you don't care about anyone else but yourself?"

He crossed his arms and chuckled. "I want custody."

"In your dreams," Demi said from behind you. Sophia hugged her legs. She was scared. "You have a lot of nerve to show up here from out of nowhere!"

"And who are you?" Ben asked.

"I'm Y/N's girlfriend and I've spent the last four years with her and Sophia. And in those four years, you haven't called. You haven't written any letters to her. You've made absolutely no effort to get to know this beautiful little girl that you would've been so damn lucky to get to know and love. She's brilliant. She's beautiful. But you wouldn't know that."

Demi reminded him, crossing her arms and watching as Ben clenched his jaw and lowered his head.

"You think a judge will give you custody when this is the first time you've come around since she's been born? Do you even know her birthday? Her middle name? Do you know anything about her? Or did you just come here to fight for something you know you stand no chance at winning?"

"I don't need this from you." He said bitterly. Bending down, he tried to reach a hand out to brush against Sophia's shoulder, but she stepped back and tightened her arms around Demi's legs. "Honey. I'm your dad, I love you. Don't you wanna get to know me?"

"No!" She said. "I got my moms."

Demi had to bite down on her lip to hide the smirk pulling at her lips.

"I want my daughter." Ben spat as he stood back up to face you.

"Not a chance in hell. Your daughter has no idea who you are. Demi is the one who has been here for all of the important milestones in her life. Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, talent shows, and career days. She's been there for everything. Where were you?"

He just scoffed and pinched the bridge of his nose. You knew that he knew he was wrong, but he didn't seem to care.

"We're not going down without a fight." Demi said. "She may not be my daughter by blood but she's still my little girl. She means the world to me. I'll do whatever I have to if it means her staying here where she's meant to be."

She stood her ground, and so did you. You put your foot down. Standing upright, you looked him in the eyes. "Time for you to go, Ben."

"I'll be back. This is not over!"

He stormed off before you could say another word to him.

You both stepped inside and closed the door behind you. Sophia hugged your legs and Demi was quick to wrap you in her arms. "It's all gonna be alright. You know he has no chance. It's gonna be okay."

You nodded and kissed her quickly. "I know."

There was a tug at your pajama bottoms. Sophia was looking up at you with a look of hope in her eyes. "Mommy, can we watch the movie now?" She pouted.

You and Demi giggled and nodded your heads. Sitting back on the couch with Sophia sandwiched between both of you, you knew that all you needed was right there with you.

She was gonna stay right there, too. You knew it was all gonna be just fine in the end, no matter what.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now