your daughter is starting to go down the wrong path (requested)

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You and Demi sat at the kitchen table confused. Your daughter, Emma, had just stormed out of the house without any explanation at all. She's 16 and she's starting to act out. You recently had no choice but to ground her just a couple weeks ago because you caught her smoking. You're both worried about her and neither of you know what to do at this point.

"What do we do? Grounding her doesn't seem to help. We take away her car keys and she just runs." Demi sighed and tugged at her hair. Your vision blurred with tears. You're so worried about her. This is your little girl and though she's not so little anymore, she means the world to you and seeing her like this breaks your heart.

Demi heard you starting to cry and she got up from her chair. She came behind you and wrapped you up in her arms. "I'm so worried about her." You cried and Demi nodded her head, kissing yours and laying her cheek on the crown of your head. "I know. I am too. We'll figure this out, okay?"

You heard the front door open and close as Emma came inside. "Emma! Get down here." Demi said as she tried to run up to her room. Emma groaned but turned around and came back down. "What?" You stood up and walked out of the room, your emotions too strong for you to handle.

"Do you see how upset your mother is right now? Come on Ems, this isn't like you." Emma sighed and pressed her tongue to her cheek. "Drugs, sex, smoking cigarettes, skipping school to hang out with your boyfriend, and going to parties? Come on sweetheart, we raised you better than that. What's going on with you?"

Emma bit her lip as Demi slowly tore down her walls that she built around her. "I don't know..." Emma whispered. She was vulnerable. Her voice was shaky and her hands were trembling, as if she was ready to cry. Demi slowly walked up to her and took her hand, leading her to the table. Emma sat down next to Demi and stayed silent for a moment before she started to cry.

Demi didn't know what to do. She was confused, but she always had a feeling that something deeper had been going on with Emma. "Honey..." She reached for her hand and took it in hers. Demi was so happy when Emma didn't try to pull away. "I guess I just wanted to impress people." Emma said quietly and Demi sighed. "Like... Nate? And your friends?"

Nate. Emma's boyfriend. A guy that you and Demi both had a bad feeling about from the first time you met him. He was a bad influence on her but Emma wouldn't listen and insisted that neither of you knew him the way that she did.

Emma nodded her head. "Honey, you shouldn't feel like you have to do these things to impress people who are supposed to be there for you and love you without any exceptions." Emma looked up at Demi with her big brown eyes, the ones that mirrored Demi's. "I just wanted to be cool. I just wanna fit in. I just want people to love me."

Demi gave Emma's hand a squeeze. "I know this isn't the coolest thing in the world, because you're 16 and all, but your mom and I love you. We love you through thick and thin." Emma wiped away the tear that fell from her eye. "Even when i'm acting out like this?" Demi smiled and kissed Emma's head. "Ems, we love you unconditionally. Even through this, even though it breaks our hearts that you're acting like this, we don't love you any less. We never could."

Emma sniffled and threw her arms around her mom's neck. "I'm sorry." She muttered and Demi happily hugged her back. "I know. It's okay. I think there's one person who would really really love a hug from you right about now." Emma stood up from the chair and ran to the living room where you were.

She saw you crying and she didn't waste a second to run over to you and hug you. It took you by surprise but you hugged her back. "I'm sorry mom. I'm so sorry. I swear I didn't mean to disappoint you or hurt you." She cried and you smiled, staring at Demi who had tears in her eyes. "It's okay honey. I'm not disappointed in you."

Emma ran up to her room and grabbed the contents of the drugs and cigarettes. She hesitantly came over to you both and handed them to you. "I wanna quit. I wanna change this around. I think maybe I should break up with Nate, too. Like mom said, if he really loved me he wouldn't encourage me to keep doing this."

Demi took them from her hands and threw the cigarettes away while she flushed the other stuff down the toilet. When she came out of the bathroom she embraced Emma in a hug and encouraged you to come over and join in. "I'm proud of you baby. We love you so much." Emma smiled and hugged you both back. "Love you both too."

Things would change. Emma was determined to make it all better. That night none of you slept, instead you held Emma close as she opened up about her fears and all of her new dreams and goals. She was ready to turn it all around, and she was ready to start right then and there. Knowing she has two people who love her no matter what, she knew everything would always be okay. No matter what happened.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now