You have a cold

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Demi winced as she poured some soup in a bowl for you, your cough so hard and so painful that she could hear it all the way from the kitchen.

You've been sick with a bad cold for a couple days now but today has been much worse, so bad you can't even get out of bed on your own. Demi didn't mind helping you though. She got whatever you needed whenever you needed it, no questions asked.

She carefully carried the bowl of soup up to you. She frowned when she saw you laying in bed with a few tissues surrounding you, one leg was under the blanket while another was over it since you felt both hot and cold at the same time.

Demi sat down next to you and rubbed your cheek softly. Your eyes slowly fluttered open and a small smile was on Demi's face when you saw her. "Hey princess. Made you some soup. The broth will help your throat." She moved the spoon out to your mouth and you whined a little before slurping it up a bit.

As soon as the broth hit your throat you felt relieved. It felt so good against your sore throat. Demi smiles when she noticed how much you were enjoying it. She helped you a bit more until you felt full enough, deciding to take a few sips of the warm broth afterwards. Demi put the back of her hand on your forehead, frowning at the heat coming off your skin. "Poor baby. Anything else I can get you?"

You shook your head before shivering. Demi pulled the blanket over your body and gently stroked your cheek. "It's okay baby girl." You coughed a few times before whimpering, looking at Demi with tears in your eyes. "Can you cuddle with me? Hold me?" Demi nodded her head, immediately crawling in under the covers next to you. "It's okay princess, you can curl up against me. It's alright."

You coughed a few more times before burying your face in her neck. Demi didn't mind that your breath was fanning across her skin or that there was a big chance she'd catch whatever it is that you've got. She just wanted to make you feel better, and as she rubbed your back and your breathing became more steady, she knew you'd fallen asleep and you were feeling at least a little better for the time being, and that's all Demi wanted.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now