you can take my breath away

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You stood in the doorway, watching as Demi strummed the strings of her guitar.

She was humming quietly to herself. A notebook was right next to her on the couch, occasionally she'd stop to write something down before she'd go back to playing.

She suddenly stopped playing and looked up at you. "Need something, princess?" You blushed a bit but shook your head.

Demi patted her lap and when you sat down she put the guitar on your lap. "Demi, I don't think I'm gonna be very good at this." She nodded and kissed your shoulder blade softly. "That's okay. I'll teach you."

She took your hands and put them over the strings, spreading them out so they're all spaced apart. "Your ears will bleed." She shook her head with a laugh. "Stop that. C'mon, I'll teach you. Baby steps, okay?" She placed her fingers over yours and it sent a warm feeling through you.

You felt her start to move your fingers along the strings. A beautiful sound was heard around you. You could feel her staring at you, her lips moving to brush behind your ear. "See? You're doing great." You laughed. "Only because you're helping me."

Demi's eyes traveled from the guitar and down to your fingers before they traveled back at you. She saw you smiling and it made her smile along with you.

She let go of your fingers and rested her head on her shoulder. You stopped playing but Demi moved her hand back over yours, signaling for you to continue, only for her to pull it away again a second later.

"Demi?" She kissed your neck softly. "No. Keep going. You try on your own." You did, and it wasn't nearly as good as when Demi was helping you. But it wasn't bad either.

Demi basked in the moment of you on her lap, playing her guitar. It was a sight she never thought she'd see, but one she couldn't get over. "You're doing good, princess." She nuzzled her nose against your shoulder and you let out a giggle. "Really?" You turned your head and she caught you in a loving kiss. "Really."

You kissed her once more and climbed off her lap and you cuddled up to her chest instead. You put the guitar back on her lap and tilted your head back to look at her with a smile. "Sing to me." Demi ran a hand through your hair and watched as you closed your eyes.

She started to sing 'Hero' by Enrique Iglesias softly as she played the guitar. Your heart started to flutter as she sang one of your favorite songs to you. "I can be your hero. I can kiss away the pain." She sang, both of your hearts feeling warm and full as you basked in what was possibly your favorite moment you've shared so far.

"Remind me to give you more guitar lessons soon." She said as she leaned down to kiss your head. She couldn't complain, especially if they led to these moments with you afterward.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now